Message from @An Admirable Admiral
Discord ID: 303048674852864000
I realized that if you could kill an illegal when theres no one around, you could totally get away with it
That would be a possibility
tbh need a efficent guide to murdering illegals
Thats how most crime is
If you do X while nobody is around, youll probably get away with it
I had some swarmy, turbo manlet illegal try and beg me for some change in the middle of the night at a train station once
Ya, but with illegals, no one will search for them.
realized I couldve hit him over the head and thrown him on the tracks and walked away
no one wouldve ever known lol
damn son
it was just a thought tho
>Find illegal
>Kill illegal
>Go home
>Never talk about it again
Hypothetically not hard desu. Not advocating for this of course
its all for this fictional novel Im writing of course
It very likely happens along the border.
I don't doubt it
make me a sammich @BlackMetalWitch
This is all very hypothetical!
Of course
@Iamawesom How DRare Yuo
>fbi pls
Mfw Brad spergs out
I am yor son mother
gib food
You have to be delusional
you mong
❤ anyway
A lot of illegals also murder and steal along the border, and even further really. My dad got his work truck stolen and a few months later the guy crashed it while fleeing the cops and a shit load of illegals spilled out.
alabongo worst state
Dude was a coyote and was using the truck to smuggle in people.
lol like roaches from under the fridge
>liking traps