Message from @AllFather
Discord ID: 475615765177827329
Why I hate siegefags @here
antifa shot in the head by cops
What the fuck?
<:Varg:466634561707835402> <:Varg:466634561707835402> <:Varg:466634561707835402>
When you do it, post it.
Vc anyone?
Mentaly sound
Hoh Lee General!
Oh fuck so this is what it came from, lol
I return
Anyone alive in here?
That depends on your Idea of alive Killy LOL.
@MickyCoy3020 breathing, is a good place to start.
Unpopular Fact:
Gays and blacks do not deserve rights.
What would be a good redpilling idea is to attend these patriot rallies with papers stating facts about the Jewish question, and with facts about the Talpiot program and unit 8200 so we can redpill people about how infiltrated we are by Israeli Talmudic Jewish supremacists and how israel is taking our technology and giving it to communist China. Many of these “deplorables” are itching for the truth and for the answers but that asshole Alex Jones is sending everyone on a wild goose chase. I honestly think the Jews will begin sweating when they see “deplorables” and Uncle Joe in his red Trump hat asking the Jewish question and making the connections. Many of them are a sleeping giant being kept asleep by Alex Jonestein the Freemason and their gatekeeping “leaders” only sending them to fight against Antifa weaklings.
If you manage to turn out in force, sure