Message from @p3ll3y
Discord ID: 478258825816834049
But theyre just interviewing niggers and fags
the chat is hilarious
aside from the one boomer magatard insisting that real patriots make themselves heard in the voting booth
Yeah jfc
what a tard
he's copy-pasting the same comments on a loop
the interviewer or the spammer?
Oh yeah
Cuckservative faggot
I think he stopped though
nope, still going
Im just gonna spam white power
I'm Rabbi Herschel Lieberman-Bergblattstein
The one and only
I see your shit everywhere lol
no shit?
I consider it nothing less than my duty to lower the civility of discourse on the internet wherever I go
yeah jfc
I mean, whatever, that just makes the commies look more ridiculous, that they're wasting their time with such an inoffensive milquetoast individual
the man is clearly a retard
I mean, mad respect to our boys who are down there, but the only way I was going back to that area was in a phalanx of riot shields
our riot shields, not the pigs'
I wouldve gone to the first one if I were close tbh
I did
But Id stay way the fuck away from this one
done properly, it could have been a propaganda coup, showing that white men won't be cowed by Jewish lawfare anymore
but pulling that off would have taken shekels, shekels which would not have been forthcoming from donators
or if all our "leaders" ddnt cuck
Kessler's on the move
yawn, this is boring
just spotted a guy with a skull mask
he's a fatass tho
lmao I just saw medic on the live stream