Message from @The GUNNY
Discord ID: 478351111997227008
Sorry to hear it man
Makes no sense cause on the website it says demonstrations will be held from 5:30-7:30
We got followed the whole time
It was some shit
@AllFather So its all finished?
the nogs and antifa are fighting the police.
@gambler joe for real
I wanna see
As it was predicted in the prophecy of white power
never trust a guy who cucks to the jew
nogs with cheetos in their hair are in full force in DC
@gambler joe anything happen in the video?
no its over no streams
@The GUNNY we have video of this cluster fuck
Haha, well you survived it
you know how many fucking murders I worked when I was there for like 8 months?
and as the nigger was running away he lost the pizza...
it slid out of the box
There was 37 of Kessler’s guys, 8000 commies, 4 of us and a random Nazi @The GUNNY
We were thinking we were out numbered 8 to 1 but it turned out 200 to 1
All of this was predicted
I did say there would be an overwhelming amount of police and troops there
K9 support out of Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall
John got randomly frisked by the Secret Service
good times, pictures taken?
And I pushed trough crowds of antifa.
We got raw video
I am sure you did
About an hour and a half worth
did the feds take pictures of you when they searched John?
Dude they were zombies, and it’s on video I think
A metro cop made me turn of my camera
You’ll see it all
I’ll put all the video in a drop box
Are you all out now?