Message from @AllFather
Discord ID: 478319943939653643
@everyone best stream ^
in vc
our guys in dc where are they
This was a cluster fuck
@AllFather are you guys still there?
We’re trying to leave
No Nazis all commies
Things are going to change here
So you guys are trapped and fked?
Kessler just left you goyims
kessler the kike
I have 4 and thy're loud
I got about 2 hours of footage before my camera went dead
so much for the 7 hours
Yeah and kesslers guys were evacuated
That looked like some bullshit
Sorry to hear it man
Makes no sense cause on the website it says demonstrations will be held from 5:30-7:30
We got followed the whole time
It was some shit
@AllFather So its all finished?
the nogs and antifa are fighting the police.
@gambler joe for real
I wanna see
As it was predicted in the prophecy of white power
never trust a guy who cucks to the jew
nogs with cheetos in their hair are in full force in DC
@gambler joe anything happen in the video?
no its over no streams