Message from @The GUNNY
Discord ID: 478648901784829952
Satanist shit
anything to do with Crowley has got to be some dumb shit
Siege or us
Yo what do you guys think of New Awakening fags?
Theyre retards
Ludwig/Lewis is a literal LARPer who has gay friends irl
NA tries to hide the fact that they are NS
which is completely against what Rockwell said
@Epic Pardner *tips* they actually don't, which is one of the few things that they get right
<@&468627088497311765> How many of us are there
If we get hoodies I’m buying
I need a new hoodie for winter n sheit
coming soon
@The GUNNY what you think about tom metzger
The creepy fuck that you never wanted to bring any girls around... had an unusual tendency to hang around with kids... figured hey, since kids get lighter sentences when arrested why not???
this Metzger
@gambler joe - yeah I am aware...
I have never had an issue with what Tom Metzger has spoken and believed in outwardly. My issue was always from his younger days.
he does have some good books on his website
like I said, nothing he has put out has been an issue
it was what he was known for, that was my issue
i never meet the guy but hes from my area of california i just want to get your insight on the guy.
A lot has changed over the years, I am sure
I knew of Metzger through some of the original Skins
and yeah, that dude was known for sending out teens to do shit while their skin birds (girls in the skinheads) stayed out with Metzger... some of the stories were more than just stories.
a irl friend of mine knows him im irl i guess he has a base in sierra mountains
yeah nothing has changed with Metzger in that regard
he has had operations in northern and southern California
all the people i know are woods
Peckerwoods, for real?
damn son
that is rough business