Message from @Preacher

Discord ID: 701674943833702412

2020-04-20 05:32:10 UTC  

Like in AK you can open carry at 18 if youd like

2020-04-20 05:32:19 UTC  

2020-04-20 05:32:24 UTC  

You'll look like an idiot but you can

2020-04-20 05:36:34 UTC  

it's insane, i was at cabellas, talking to the cashier. she goes " i gotta see the ammo you bought an your id" i said okay sure, she thought for a second i was buying hand gun ammo an told me that i couldn't buy it since i wasn't 21... lmao. she then realised that it was al just birdshot an what not, but it caused an argument with the people behind me telling me " yet i can buy a semi auto ar15 with a 50 drum mag, but thats legal" long story short its just unbelievable that mcihigan has been passing the laws that it has.

2020-04-20 05:37:24 UTC  

Also cabellas is shit for buying firearms tbh

2020-04-20 05:40:21 UTC  

Here in texas they excel at selling them

2020-04-20 05:40:56 UTC  

evem funnier one, went to Trex arms, which is a shooting range in michigan. went to go rent a 20 gauge to let my girl get a feel for shotguns, the dude walks away from his counter. stops us at the door where everyone usually signs the papers an what not, he's like " can i help you guys, you have to 21 or older to come to a shooting range" andddd i was like no thats not the law lol its 21 for hand guns an hand gun ammo, so then this dipshit goes an gets his manager, his manager was pretty scary looking marine, looks at him like he's retarded an says " yeah its 21 for hand guns john not rifles, you've been working here for how long? an you don't even know that" turns out he had been telling multiple young adults to leave sine there not 21.. lmao an they left. what a joke man.

2020-04-20 05:41:45 UTC  


2020-04-20 05:42:45 UTC  

Cabellas is a joke from the places I've been, ran by Fudds

2020-04-20 05:46:40 UTC  

They put fudds behind the counters

2020-04-20 05:47:27 UTC  

"Yes this revolver is a great first pistol, those autoloaders with superior trigger action and capacity are pieces of plastic, here take this all steel rust collector"

2020-04-20 05:48:36 UTC  

what? a 9mm for this here young lady?? that's too much recoil, you need this here .380 revolver with a 42lb trigger it'll be much easier for her to shoot

2020-04-20 05:50:03 UTC  

Lol "Nah that .22 LR ruger isnt a great weapon to start your kid with, here's a break action 12 guage to dislocate their 7 year old shoulder"

2020-04-20 05:55:31 UTC  

unironically had a fudd try and tell me revolvers were more reliable than semi autos and call glocks plastic chinese crap in the same sentence

2020-04-20 05:56:11 UTC  

Even with the massive Austria that etched into every one of them

2020-04-20 05:56:16 UTC  

i've had more failures in the 1k or so rounds i've put through quality revolvers than the 25k or so i've put through my glock

2020-04-20 05:57:45 UTC  

No one in my squad will carry a fucking revolver so help me God

2020-04-20 05:58:40 UTC  

There is zero reason to have one over a traditional auto loader

2020-04-20 05:58:57 UTC  

In a tactical sense I mean

2020-04-20 06:02:21 UTC  

Itโ€™s not exactly a firearm but I got a pellet gun. Since it isnโ€™t technically a firearm I can still own it

2020-04-20 06:05:43 UTC  

Unless your carrying a 500 S&W then no wheel gats

2020-04-20 06:06:28 UTC  


2020-04-20 06:06:55 UTC  

500 S&W =big fuckin bullet

2020-04-20 06:07:04 UTC  


2020-04-20 06:07:49 UTC  


2020-04-20 06:34:14 UTC  

Was too big of a bullet for anything useful

2020-04-20 06:34:20 UTC  

In a revolver that is

2020-04-20 07:05:30 UTC  

Yea better make sure u hit with the first shot cuz by the time u find the target agen it may be ontop of u

2020-04-20 07:07:46 UTC  


2020-04-20 07:08:17 UTC  

Literally have the same ear pro

2020-04-20 07:09:15 UTC  

Look at that optic

2020-04-20 07:09:47 UTC  

Lol for propper picture

2020-04-20 07:10:38 UTC  

Optic is large enough to cover the recoil field so ur always on target technically ๐Ÿ˜‚

2020-04-20 07:10:53 UTC  

I mean that gun is technically a .22

2020-04-20 07:11:52 UTC  

I never really put optics on pistols

2020-04-20 07:12:15 UTC  

I would put a red dot on a secondary for my kit

2020-04-20 07:12:21 UTC  

But otherwise nah

2020-04-20 07:13:13 UTC  

My secondary pistol is a 25.acp lol

2020-04-20 07:13:37 UTC  


2020-04-20 07:14:04 UTC  

Lol optic would be as big as the gun

2020-04-20 07:15:48 UTC  

I daily carry a 357mag and the 25acp