Message from @cheese loaf

Discord ID: 692110059173445642

2020-03-24 19:55:52 UTC  

north ireland*

2020-03-24 19:56:00 UTC  

hahahahaha yeah

2020-03-24 19:57:51 UTC  

everyone in the uk is a gun grabber

2020-03-24 19:58:00 UTC  


2020-03-24 19:58:07 UTC  

redcoats man

2020-03-24 19:58:16 UTC  


2020-03-24 19:59:02 UTC  

no freedom of speech, all firearms registered and criminals can fine you if they hurt themselves whilst robbing your home

2020-03-24 19:59:41 UTC  

as for the fine, do they accept 5.56mm?

2020-03-24 19:59:53 UTC  


2020-03-24 20:01:23 UTC  

its funny when people in the uk think we cant own guns in the uk, i was speaking to someone the other day and they thought the reason we don’t get as much school shootings and stuff was because we “don’t have guns in the uk” they looked so shocked when i showed them what you could own

2020-03-24 20:02:57 UTC  

nuts to me that they consider shooting clubs a valid reason to carry but self defense won’t get you a permit

2020-03-24 20:03:04 UTC  


2020-03-24 20:03:32 UTC  

its so stupid, like you can shoot stuff for fun, but if you wanna save your family nah dude

2020-03-24 20:09:41 UTC  

Free men don’t ask permission

2020-03-24 20:10:09 UTC  


2020-03-24 20:30:54 UTC

2020-03-24 20:31:10 UTC  

still lame tho

2020-03-24 20:31:49 UTC  

yeah i’m not jazzed abt the concept of no semi auto over .22

2020-03-24 20:32:03 UTC  

still better than new york lmao

2020-03-24 20:34:58 UTC  

not good enough tho

2020-03-24 20:38:16 UTC  

meanwhile in nevada

2020-03-24 20:42:24 UTC  

If that graphic is being used to educate ppl in the UK I'm all on board for it

2020-03-24 20:42:50 UTC  

culture dictates what we do a lot more than the state does

2020-03-24 20:43:37 UTC  


2020-03-24 21:11:15 UTC  

Much like how people thing it’s illegal to buy a machine gun

2020-03-24 21:13:52 UTC  

Bought it from some boomer panic selling it for 6k

2020-03-24 21:14:04 UTC  


2020-03-24 21:14:44 UTC  

Gonna make some commemorative bottle opener replicas then sell it once General Tsos revenge passes over

2020-03-24 21:17:35 UTC  

I could easily make a 6k profit off this piece of bent metal with numbers on it


2020-03-24 21:18:25 UTC  

instead just rob a bank for an even higher profit

2020-03-24 21:18:31 UTC  

think about it

2020-03-24 21:27:55 UTC  


2020-03-24 21:33:09 UTC  


2020-03-24 23:06:48 UTC  

am on parole

2020-03-24 23:37:12 UTC  


2020-03-24 23:37:19 UTC  

I’m absolutely

2020-03-24 23:37:27 UTC  

Fired up

2020-03-24 23:37:33 UTC  

These people called this song

2020-03-24 23:37:42 UTC  

cool story bro

2020-03-24 23:37:45 UTC  
2020-03-24 23:37:52 UTC  
