Message from @Epic Pardner *tips*
Discord ID: 480809942148972565
Almonds are no doubt crucial to the creative process.
p3ll3y, where you been man?
I quit Discord a while ago because it was a bad habit for me, so I'm trying to stay off it as much as possible
Have you been doing any IRL activism?
No, but I've been doing some recruiting. I've got 3 guys interested, although I think 1 of those will be too busy with work and school.
Are either of those who are not too busy willing to do anything?
or will they end up in the lazy niggers catagory?
Oh, deffo, they do stuff all the time, usually of the "screwing with lefties" category
Most people who get recruited are lazy niggers
Everyone wants to be a nazi until it’s time to do nazi shit
We need people who are dedicated, willing to do what they can and be around, instead of being nowhere to be found all the time.
The inactive get culled here.
This is a great video here.
Okay I got the videos downloaded finally
Now I gotta extract them and move them to a folder, then I load them into Windows Movie Maker and I'll be ready to go
We might have that video tonight
Hell yeah
does anyone wanna VC?
I'll VC
Why does he look like he’s vaping
no u
Need plenty of hate thrown on this piece of shit
With ZERO fucks for multi-culti jap guilt
They are following the NSL twitter account.
True honorary