Message from @Stander

Discord ID: 602230242349678651

2019-07-20 20:01:56 UTC

2019-07-20 20:04:17 UTC

2019-07-20 20:04:17 UTC  


2019-07-20 20:04:39 UTC

2019-07-20 20:04:48 UTC  

I'm the most badass person here

2019-07-20 20:05:27 UTC  

wtf is in the bowl

2019-07-20 20:05:32 UTC  

is that bean soup

2019-07-20 20:05:45 UTC  

Shrimp paste

2019-07-20 20:06:03 UTC  

you’re nasty

2019-07-20 20:06:14 UTC  

I'm nasty

2019-07-20 20:06:18 UTC  

And I'm also badass

2019-07-20 20:06:28 UTC  

Nigga you’re suppose to fry that shit

2019-07-20 20:06:35 UTC  

or put it in a Vietnamese pancake

2019-07-20 20:06:47 UTC  

Dude, you're telling me to fry a sauce

2019-07-20 20:06:50 UTC  

Nigga what the fuck

2019-07-20 20:07:08 UTC  

shrimp paste

2019-07-20 20:07:10 UTC  


2019-07-20 20:07:45 UTC  

either way

2019-07-20 20:07:51 UTC  

chocopie is ass

2019-07-20 20:07:57 UTC  

literally no flavor

2019-07-20 20:07:58 UTC  

Idk dude

2019-07-20 20:08:05 UTC  

Kinda good

2019-07-20 20:08:19 UTC  

But yes I agree that the marshmallow have no flavor

2019-07-20 20:08:21 UTC  

Like at all

2019-07-20 20:08:30 UTC  

It's like bland stretchy gum

2019-07-20 20:08:58 UTC  

you know what be good

2019-07-20 20:09:01 UTC  

chocopie Oreo

2019-07-20 20:09:21 UTC  

wait what the fuck

2019-07-20 20:09:28 UTC  


2019-07-20 20:09:39 UTC  

@Stander you dip your Oreos in fish sauce

2019-07-20 20:09:55 UTC  

Pretty neat

2019-07-20 20:10:05 UTC  

Taste amazing

2019-07-20 20:10:09 UTC  

Salty and sweet

2019-07-20 20:10:19 UTC  

A cursed food combination

2019-07-20 20:13:56 UTC  

how can you speak perfect English

2019-07-20 20:14:05 UTC  

when you’re mainland Vietnamese

2019-07-20 20:14:48 UTC  

He is French

2019-07-20 20:14:55 UTC  

Just like @Techpriest

2019-07-20 20:15:20 UTC  

fucking French

2019-07-20 20:15:27 UTC  

I agree

2019-07-20 20:15:31 UTC  

They are gay