Message from @Matanović

Discord ID: 631069399087841280

2019-10-08 10:01:19 UTC  

LMAO you mentioning that the germans arent reproducing at all even less then the russians

2019-10-08 10:01:32 UTC  

and they have a higher precent of muslims

2019-10-08 10:01:33 UTC  


2019-10-08 10:01:45 UTC  

10% muslims

2019-10-08 10:01:49 UTC  

so by your theory germany is already a muslim country

2019-10-08 10:01:49 UTC  

In germany but nt

2019-10-08 10:02:06 UTC  

yes muslim emirate of germany

2019-10-08 10:02:15 UTC  

great succes

2019-10-08 10:02:15 UTC  

Lets check muslim rate in russia

2019-10-08 10:02:49 UTC  

reminder of how germany sucked on to bosnian muslim dick

2019-10-08 10:02:53 UTC  

Oh 15%

2019-10-08 10:03:04 UTC  

Seems like u guys are the cucks

2019-10-08 10:03:30 UTC  

muslim precent in germany is 40% lmao

2019-10-08 10:03:38 UTC  

Well we just made some money in balkan with dealing weapons

2019-10-08 10:03:44 UTC  

It isnt

2019-10-08 10:03:45 UTC  

made money lmao

2019-10-08 10:03:49 UTC  

Its 10% idiot

2019-10-08 10:04:03 UTC  

you begged bosnian SS divisions to help you

2019-10-08 10:04:08 UTC  


2019-10-08 10:04:22 UTC  

Lol we just send them to the front to let them get killed

2019-10-08 10:04:29 UTC  

50% muslims in germany soon inshalla

2019-10-08 10:04:51 UTC  

Look u already know muslim words

2019-10-08 10:04:58 UTC  

so you send the muslims to save your ass just like you do it now

2019-10-08 10:04:58 UTC  

Thats normal in russia i guess

2019-10-08 10:05:15 UTC  

No they got killed and germans kept alivd

2019-10-08 10:05:17 UTC  


2019-10-08 10:05:22 UTC  


2019-10-08 10:05:26 UTC  

greatest germanistan emirate lmao

2019-10-08 10:05:34 UTC  

How u know inshalla did ure chechen neighbour tell u that

2019-10-08 10:05:41 UTC  

15% muslims in russia lg

2019-10-08 10:05:54 UTC  

50% muslims must destroy all cathedrals and build mosques there

2019-10-08 10:05:59 UTC  

Have fun with them faggot

2019-10-08 10:08:14 UTC  

the mighty germans bow down to their turkish master Kara boga

2019-10-08 10:08:54 UTC  

5,7 % germany < 15% muslims in Russia

2019-10-08 10:09:05 UTC  

Say thanks to ure chechen masters

2019-10-08 10:09:12 UTC  

Goodbye cucky

2019-10-08 10:09:31 UTC  

lmao 57% muslims in germany if anything