Message from

Discord ID: 703176278525607936

2020-04-24 09:31:06 UTC  

**do you in**: to do someone in (verb): to [cause] [serious] [problems] for someone.
*a cat that provides as [forensic] evidence against you, thereby putting you in jail, can do you in. (google search "your cat may do you in")

[high heel] shoes that will cause health problems down the line may do you in. (google search "These heels might [just do you] in")

"I'm gonna do you in" could mean "I'm going to beat you up". (This has a totally different meaning than "I'm gonna do you". "To do" someone can mean to fuck them, in Southern California terms at least, but also see this: to+do+you )*
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2020-04-24 09:31:07 UTC  

-df cum

2020-04-24 09:31:08 UTC  

**Cum**: [The fluid] containing [sperm] [ejaculated] from a man when he has an erection.
*Sarah was sitting on the chair, in only a red thong. She had her legs spread wide [over the chair], and her brown hair [flowed] over her bare boobs. I was getting excited, Sarah was so hot. She ripped off [the thong] as she stood up, walked right past me and [shut the door] I had just passed through. She turned to face me, her feet strongly planted, and forced her hand down my pants. I [unblocked] my belt, and she tore my pants down to my ankles. She fell to her knees and removed my boxers. I could feel it, my dick was already starting to swell up. God, Sarah was hot. She started on the tip of my dick. She [swirled] her tongue around it a little. She almost immediately started to massage my balls vigorously. She then took on my whole dick, deep throating it. I could feel it, I was gonna cum. My balls were urging for it to come out. I moaned, it felt so good. I [grunted] a little as it started, and I cummed inside of her mouth. She pulled away, and swallowed, then smiled. My shirt was torn off and she was rubbing my dick with her hands. Then, she was on her hands and knees. I rubbed my dick, and slipped on the condom from the bowl. My dick was throbbing and I was excited. I slowly slid into her pussy and she squeaked quietly. I began to thrust myself. Faster and faster, I wasn't controlling myself, and she bounced and bounced, moaning and moaning until she screamed. We changed positions a few times, then my cum [splurged] out at work just thinking about it. Then my assistant asked for some.*
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2020-04-24 09:31:11 UTC  

-df like a monster

2020-04-24 09:31:11 UTC  

**I feel like a monster**: You feel like [a monster] after you listen to the [Skillet] song Monster and it gets stuck in your head so you are now quietly singing to your self "I, I feel like a monster!" while [doing the dishes] or something.
*[I feel it] deep within, it's just beneath the skin, I MUST [CONFESS] THAT [I FEEL LIKE A MONSTER]! I hate what I've become, the nightmares just begun, I MUST CONFESS THAT I FEEL LIKE A MONSTER! I, I FEEL LIKE A MONSTER! I, I FEEL LIKE A MONSTER!-song lyrics from the song Monster.*
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2020-04-24 09:31:11 UTC  

-df cum

2020-04-24 09:31:11 UTC  

**Cum**: [The fluid] containing [sperm] [ejaculated] from a man when he has an erection.
*Sarah was sitting on the chair, in only a red thong. She had her legs spread wide [over the chair], and her brown hair [flowed] over her bare boobs. I was getting excited, Sarah was so hot. She ripped off [the thong] as she stood up, walked right past me and [shut the door] I had just passed through. She turned to face me, her feet strongly planted, and forced her hand down my pants. I [unblocked] my belt, and she tore my pants down to my ankles. She fell to her knees and removed my boxers. I could feel it, my dick was already starting to swell up. God, Sarah was hot. She started on the tip of my dick. She [swirled] her tongue around it a little. She almost immediately started to massage my balls vigorously. She then took on my whole dick, deep throating it. I could feel it, I was gonna cum. My balls were urging for it to come out. I moaned, it felt so good. I [grunted] a little as it started, and I cummed inside of her mouth. She pulled away, and swallowed, then smiled. My shirt was torn off and she was rubbing my dick with her hands. Then, she was on her hands and knees. I rubbed my dick, and slipped on the condom from the bowl. My dick was throbbing and I was excited. I slowly slid into her pussy and she squeaked quietly. I began to thrust myself. Faster and faster, I wasn't controlling myself, and she bounced and bounced, moaning and moaning until she screamed. We changed positions a few times, then my cum [splurged] out at work just thinking about it. Then my assistant asked for some.*
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2020-04-24 09:31:11 UTC  

-8ball 😳

2020-04-24 09:31:12 UTC  


2020-04-24 09:31:18 UTC  


2020-04-24 09:31:19 UTC  

-df pussy juice

2020-04-24 09:31:19 UTC  

**pussy juice**: [Wet] excretions from the vagina, often encountered when a woman is [sexually] [excited].
*"She was so [wet] that she could [spray] me with pussy juice."*
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2020-04-24 09:31:25 UTC  

-df smegma

2020-04-24 09:31:25 UTC  

**Smegma**: A combination of dead skin cells, seminal fluid and excess urine.

It's a natural process that starts during the mid-teen years. The dead skin cells are from the connective tissue that held the foreskin to the [glans] during childhood.

As soon as you hit your teens, this tissue breaks down which then allows you to [retract] your foreskin.

[Smegma] can be [washed out] with plain water. Make sure you carefully retract your foreskin. Smegma usually builds up behind the inner end of the glans (just behind the bell-shaped tissue known as the corona). Soap isn't advised for use to keep skin irritation to a minimum, especially around such a sensitive area.

[In case of] [smegma], circumcision isn't necessary. Smegma isn't a disease or a form of fungus. Just follow the above steps.
*"You have [a case of] [smegma]. Just use [plain] water to wash it out."*
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2020-04-24 09:31:26 UTC  


2020-04-24 09:31:27 UTC  

-df trufflebutter

2020-04-24 09:31:28 UTC  

**Trufflebutter**: [Shit juice] [inside] the [vaginal area]
*" when I took [my dick] out, I saw [the brown] [trufflebutter] inside her pussy ".*
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2020-04-24 09:31:28 UTC  

-df black men

2020-04-24 09:31:28 UTC  

**Black men**: People [stereotype] them as criminals which they're not
Some of them are very [educational] and can jump like [Mario]
*Who's always getting [arrested] for the littlest things?

[Answer]: [The black] men*
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2020-04-24 09:31:29 UTC  

-df poggers

2020-04-24 09:31:29 UTC  

**Poggers**: A Twitch [emote] that may only be seen if you have BetterTTV installed. It is used in place of [PogChamp] as an expression of extreme excitement or hype, particularly after an impressive play is made. Popular in [the League] of Legends community.
Chat: [POGGERS]*
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2020-04-24 09:31:40 UTC  

-df vaginal yellow fluid

2020-04-24 09:31:40 UTC  

**vaginal fluid**: [Fluid] that [flows] like [honey] from a woman's vagina when she's horny.
*[Sarah's] vaginal fluid [tasted] like fresh [sardines].*
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2020-04-24 09:31:47 UTC  

-df sticky white pee

2020-04-24 09:31:47 UTC  

**White sticky pee**: [Pee] but [white] and [sticky].
*"Dad I just woke up with [white sticky pee] [in my pants]."

"Son I have to have a talk about the [diffrent] kinds of pee."*
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2020-04-24 09:31:49 UTC  

-df discharge

2020-04-24 09:31:49 UTC  

**discharge**: the stuff girls [excrete] from their vaginas. It cleanses the body including the vagina. Its left behind in a girls panties. Its usually [whitish], yellow, clear. Very sticky and wet. May also be confused with [female cum], but is not the same thing.
*No, [baby], Im not [turned on], thats discharge in my [panties].*
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2020-04-24 09:31:56 UTC  

-df vaginal discharge

2020-04-24 09:31:56 UTC  

-df coom

2020-04-24 09:31:56 UTC  

**Vaginal Discharge**: A fun thing for men but often annoying for women since it can [leave] a [stain] on her [panties].
*My [vaginal discharge] is ruining all my [underwear]!*
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2020-04-24 09:31:56 UTC  

**coom**: [Ejaculate]; [cum].
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2020-04-24 09:31:57 UTC  

wtf is this chat

2020-04-24 09:32:02 UTC  

-df coom

2020-04-24 09:32:03 UTC  

**coom**: [Ejaculate]; [cum].
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2020-04-24 09:32:04 UTC  

-df post abortion

2020-04-24 09:32:04 UTC  

**Post-Labor Abortion**: [Murder].
*I'm [gonna] give that [dickhole] a [post-labor abortion].*
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2020-04-24 09:32:04 UTC  

-df discharge

2020-04-24 09:32:05 UTC  

**discharge**: the stuff girls [excrete] from their vaginas. It cleanses the body including the vagina. Its left behind in a girls panties. Its usually [whitish], yellow, clear. Very sticky and wet. May also be confused with [female cum], but is not the same thing.
*No, [baby], Im not [turned on], thats discharge in my [panties].*
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2020-04-24 09:32:08 UTC  

-df coomer

2020-04-24 09:32:08 UTC  

**coomer**: Being so [mentally deranged] and exhausted from years of masturbating to porn that you have turned into an absolute sociopath, plagued by anxiety and loneliness. Your only pleasure in life is ejaculating to porn several times a day. Slang for what a normal man does when they have an orgasm is to cum. What the [porn addict] does is to [COOM].
- Exclaimed [the coomer].*
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2020-04-24 09:32:10 UTC  

-df vagina