Message from

Discord ID: 703176983613538395

2020-04-24 09:33:41 UTC  

-df foreskin

2020-04-24 09:33:41 UTC  

**Foreskin**: [Nature's] [tarp]
*My foreskin is [all natural] baby, it's [nature's] [tarp]!*
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2020-04-24 09:33:49 UTC  

I eat that

2020-04-24 09:33:50 UTC  

-df horny

2020-04-24 09:33:50 UTC  

**horny**: What your going to be after [reading] all these [freaky] definitions below or above [mine].
*The only reason you searched up horny on [urban dictionary] is to read the [erotic] definitons so you can either [fap] or finger yourself to it. :)*
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2020-04-24 09:33:52 UTC  

-df skin hug

2020-04-24 09:33:52 UTC  

**hug**: A hug can be between friends, relatives, man and woman, and human and animal, as well as animal to animal. A hug is an expression of warmth and [friendliness] with arms outstretched around the other. Hugs are used as an expression of love, kindness, sympathy, friendliness, [greetings] and used sometimes to say goodbye. Hugs, or cuddles provide a sense of intimacy. If there is chemistry between two people when hugging, then a [tingling sensation] can occur.
*She says:- "your hugs are amazing!"
He says, "Why, it's just [a hug]? Lol"
She says, "'Cause they make me [tingle]!"
He says, "Where do they make you tingle, lol"
She says, "All over!"
He says, "Lol."

The hugs made her tingle because she had [chemistry] for the guy, something that doesn't come along very often!*
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2020-04-24 09:34:00 UTC  

-df penis pocket

2020-04-24 09:34:00 UTC  

**Penis Pocket**: The [opening] found on [men's] pajams, often accessorized with a [button].
*Guy: "I hate when [my penis] [pocket] opens when I am standing in front [my mom]."

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2020-04-24 09:34:04 UTC  

-df prostitution

2020-04-24 09:34:04 UTC  

**prostitution**: [THe world's] oldest and most [successful] profession.
*[Prostitution] will never die, despite all efforts by [politicians] to [eradicate] it.*
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2020-04-24 09:34:11 UTC  

-df sonic the hedgehog

2020-04-24 09:34:11 UTC  

**Sonic the hedgehog**: Sonic the [hedgehog] is the [fastest] blue hedgehog alive. He has taken many different paths but [one thing] is the same about him, he is still blue and still running.
*Sonic the hedgehog has [the beSt] [video games] ever - by [shiza]*
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2020-04-24 09:34:11 UTC  

-df pimping

2020-04-24 09:34:11 UTC  

**pimping**: More [commonly] used [nowadays] as making something cool or [better].
*Yeah, I was [totally] pimping up my [profile] [today]!*
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2020-04-24 09:34:12 UTC  

-df vagina folds

2020-04-24 09:34:12 UTC  

**Fold**: To [Get Played], [Switched], Or [Turned] Down.
*1. "She/He [Folded] When I Thought She/He Was Different"

2. "So You [Gone] Fold When [I Trusted You]?"*
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2020-04-24 09:34:16 UTC  

-df sonichu

2020-04-24 09:34:16 UTC  

**Sonichu**: [Christian Weston Chandler]. A 20something [web celeb] who is a high-functioning autistic male who is looking for a boy-friend free girl who is sweet, loving, and doesn't smoke. [CWC] is noted for wearing a horizontal striped t-shirt in bright colors (despite his chubby girth) and his medallion resembling a yellow sonic-like creature. His hobbies are sonic/Pokemon hybrids.
*[I'm a virgin] who will never get laid-I'm [doomed] to the life of [sonichu].

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2020-04-24 09:34:16 UTC  

-8ball should I become a pornstar

2020-04-24 09:34:17 UTC  


2020-04-24 09:34:18 UTC  

-df folds

2020-04-24 09:34:19 UTC  

**folds**: The [overlapping] [rolls] of fat on an [obese person].
*I put a [peanut] on my stomach and when I [sat down] it [disappeared] between my folds.*
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2020-04-24 09:34:19 UTC  

-df clit

2020-04-24 09:34:19 UTC  

**Clit**: The most sensitive part of a woman and the place she wants you to spend a lot of time on, rubbing and licking and kissing for her to have an orgasm.

The place many men who are not experienced ignore, thereby making women have to [fake orgasm] just to get it all over with [as soon as possible].

Men who do not want to go down on a woman or are [inexperienced] and useless at sex will usually say 'All me ex girlfriends used to have orgasms easily. What's wrong with you?'
*What is [the difference] between the [Pub] and a [clit]?

A man will always find his way to the Pub.*
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2020-04-24 09:34:23 UTC  


2020-04-24 09:34:23 UTC  

No result :(

2020-04-24 09:34:27 UTC  

-df cum

2020-04-24 09:34:27 UTC  

**Cum**: [The fluid] containing [sperm] [ejaculated] from a man when he has an erection.
*Sarah was sitting on the chair, in only a red thong. She had her legs spread wide [over the chair], and her brown hair [flowed] over her bare boobs. I was getting excited, Sarah was so hot. She ripped off [the thong] as she stood up, walked right past me and [shut the door] I had just passed through. She turned to face me, her feet strongly planted, and forced her hand down my pants. I [unblocked] my belt, and she tore my pants down to my ankles. She fell to her knees and removed my boxers. I could feel it, my dick was already starting to swell up. God, Sarah was hot. She started on the tip of my dick. She [swirled] her tongue around it a little. She almost immediately started to massage my balls vigorously. She then took on my whole dick, deep throating it. I could feel it, I was gonna cum. My balls were urging for it to come out. I moaned, it felt so good. I [grunted] a little as it started, and I cummed inside of her mouth. She pulled away, and swallowed, then smiled. My shirt was torn off and she was rubbing my dick with her hands. Then, she was on her hands and knees. I rubbed my dick, and slipped on the condom from the bowl. My dick was throbbing and I was excited. I slowly slid into her pussy and she squeaked quietly. I began to thrust myself. Faster and faster, I wasn't controlling myself, and she bounced and bounced, moaning and moaning until she screamed. We changed positions a few times, then my cum [splurged] out at work just thinking about it. Then my assistant asked for some.*
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2020-04-24 09:34:27 UTC  

im cooming

2020-04-24 09:34:28 UTC  

-8ball idgaf im wifing

2020-04-24 09:34:28 UTC  


2020-04-24 09:34:29 UTC  

right now

2020-04-24 09:34:30 UTC  

my dick

2020-04-24 09:34:31 UTC  

-df Dick hole

2020-04-24 09:34:31 UTC  

is so hard

2020-04-24 09:34:32 UTC  

**dick hole**: [The hole] that is at the end of your dick moron. Not to be confused with [the hole] that your finger is usually stuck in that [smells like shit]. Next time you piss, look at the end of your dick.....that hole.
*Oh [marge], look into this tiny [hole] at the end of my dick and [tell me] what you see.*
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2020-04-24 09:34:35 UTC  

-df roast beef

2020-04-24 09:34:35 UTC  

**roast beef**: A semi-slang term used to describe one extreme of of possible possible of a woman's labia minora. It is characterized by a wavy shape of the labia with many wrinkles and fine crevices.

The opposite extreme is referred to as "[rose petal]."

It is important to note that while current fashion tends to favor labia near the rose petal end of the spectrum, there is nothing "gross" or "weird" about roast beef. Every vulva is a unique and special part of every women.

Other terms that describe the form of a women's labia include "[innie]" and "[outie]," both referring to whether or not the labia minora protrude from the labia majora.
*Be it roast beef or [rose petal], it's the [texture] inside that [counts].*
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2020-04-24 09:34:38 UTC  

-8ball can i be a pornstar

2020-04-24 09:34:38 UTC  
