Message from @Zanoillord123

Discord ID: 642877278933614613

2019-11-10 00:03:35 UTC  

**American**: Technically, an American is someone from the Americas - i.e. North or South America. However, it is so commonly referring to people from the USA that we'll just ignore that point for now.

An American is someone who lives in the USA. Not all americans are overweight, ignorant pricks with an addiction to burgers and [flag waving]. Some of them are actually friendly, intelligent people!

Remember, kids: just because meet or hear one person from a certain place doesn't mean that everyone from there is like it. Oh, and did I mention that the actions of [the US government] don't ALWAYS speak unanimously for every last citizen of the USA? Just wanted to clear that up.

They do think some wierd things, though.. They call football soccer, American football football, [aluminium] aloominum, jam jelly and so on. But belittling them for differences like that would be a bit petty of me, wouldn't it?
*While playing a game, I once met an American who was a mindless, [stereotyping], bigoted, [ignorant prick]. But did that make me hate all Americans? Well, yes. But eventually I [got over] it. I would like to find that guy and cave his skull in, though..*
*(<>)* *9 more results*

2019-11-10 00:03:37 UTC  

I like poppy

2019-11-10 00:03:38 UTC  


2019-11-10 00:03:51 UTC  

-df europoor

2019-11-10 00:03:52 UTC  

**europoor**: A poor [European] who makes ~€200 a month and is barely able to [survive] the [winters]
*Hey did you hear [that Jack's] family dries their fruit on [cloths] lines?
Haha what a [Europoor]*
*(<>)* *1 more results*

2019-11-10 00:03:53 UTC  

U are so daft @angie!!

2019-11-10 00:04:03 UTC  

Original content

2019-11-10 00:04:05 UTC  


2019-11-10 00:04:05 UTC  

@źes ´l imagine not being american

2019-11-10 00:04:10 UTC  


2019-11-10 00:04:13 UTC  


2019-11-10 00:04:15 UTC  


2019-11-10 00:04:20 UTC  

<:peepohype:583660763135344645> 🇺🇸

2019-11-10 00:04:33 UTC  

where are you from @The 7 Fold Way

2019-11-10 00:04:35 UTC  
2019-11-10 00:04:36 UTC  

2019-11-10 00:04:39 UTC  


2019-11-10 00:04:44 UTC  
2019-11-10 00:04:45 UTC  

*Pedo wants to know your location*

2019-11-10 00:04:45 UTC  

Well im Mexican and life is great

2019-11-10 00:04:47 UTC

2019-11-10 00:04:49 UTC  


2019-11-10 00:04:51 UTC  


2019-11-10 00:04:51 UTC  


2019-11-10 00:04:57 UTC  


2019-11-10 00:04:58 UTC  

pelth DEPORT

2019-11-10 00:05:00 UTC  

It explains it

2019-11-10 00:05:01 UTC  


2019-11-10 00:05:03 UTC  


2019-11-10 00:05:10 UTC  

Why you’re a dumbass

2019-11-10 00:05:12 UTC  

You’re a spic

2019-11-10 00:05:17 UTC  

Jesus Christ dude ok I will try to avoid you in every conversation now fucking cumstain

2019-11-10 00:05:24 UTC  


2019-11-10 00:05:26 UTC  

Oh Stfu clearly I'm trolling

2019-11-10 00:05:31 UTC  

why is everyone so mean

2019-11-10 00:05:33 UTC  

nah ur mexican

2019-11-10 00:05:38 UTC  

just vibe

2019-11-10 00:05:41 UTC  

imagine not being a heterosexual white male

2019-11-10 00:05:41 UTC  

nobody is mean here

2019-11-10 00:05:42 UTC  

Should’ve done that when I told you to fuck off next time listen to daddy @observant

2019-11-10 00:05:43 UTC  

we all vibin