Message from @antischool
Discord ID: 407721481003466752
we have a winner
i think meme'n the truth is going to be the most effective weapon against the incoming bullshit
I think using the statistics that prove the DEMs are full of shit and that they have often voted agaist the bls pop
Only 2 SOTU memes? Do we have more? BTW the 2 are great! Thank you!
According to news reports, Joe Kennedy is to give the SOTU response tomorrow.
we are getting it for you hold up
It's in the mega drop channel
Clarified.. different take, optimized ratio..
i had to
@Choffs you should probaly delete b4 u get banned
Banned for what?
i said da N word lmao
@truthOrDeath what
@truthOrDeath the image quality is horrible
i grabbed it from the chans
sorry bout that