Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 419545114461863937 is HR 1865
Just when i thought i was out... The Swamp drags me back in...
@Deleted User, i respect what you're tryign to do, so please resepct my buisness.
I'm pretty tired of proving that Internet Freedoms are not worth taking away without causing a riot.
Uhhh !?!?
@Swedish Chef Thanks for popping over to CBTS and chatting with us. I will pull some of the memes over there on 1865
No problem man anytime.. I didn’t have all the answers.. but I don’t know how they will use this repeal so I would just be talking out my ass
yeah... the one guy was on it again in another channel... people who trust that more laws work worry me.... ill keep on it from that side
I appreciate you! Let me know if you need anything
no worries... keep up the good fight