Message from @TexasVet
Discord ID: 258258078992957440
If anyone is still actively investigating pizzagate and all other connections to it, feel free to join the pizzagate discord server.
can u link
sorry for sliding that's all i'll post in the general relating to pizzagate now. have a nice day/evening all, and stay safe please.
Just don't post any illegal shit in here please
yeah, this was at the very least borderline
sorry, @VURMYN this is not the place for that
covered almost all of that 2 weeks ago on gab
always good to have a refresher tho
Tamera Luzzatto (mum of luzzatto children mentioned in podesta emails: ruby, emerson and maeve) friends with marc fisher, senior editor for washing post
what was the last article he published i hear you ask... well...
um guys
hes back to redpill
it's a lot bigger than people have even uncovered too
i think once the full scope of it is revealed, the planet will erupt in violence
this is not the pizzagate server :<
is there an actual pizzagate discord server?
not really it has around 20 ppl
too bad all these people involved at the top are literally braindead
if they did it any differently it would pull so many red flags
but the fact they do it in broad daylight with no guilty consciousness
@sampletext yes it is im in it
@sampletext heres pizzagate
Click that if you want to be on a list
wow thanks a lot dude