Message from @Swedish Chef
Discord ID: 425688186489012227
what do you make of that?
@everyone @here
/-/-/-/ New QMap PDF freshly baked.
/-/-/-/ With much love. v. 7.5.0
/-/-/-/ Updated with /Qresearch/ #878.
/-/-/-/ & Emergency Bread meh.
/-/-/-/ Commented and sourced.
**QClearance Archive**
-**Anonfile:** <>
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-**MEGA:** <!QjAmwQZQ!PNPRyKrcO-jpG5WpIj0e94NnN4is4NaziIfwGFxvUmo>
Who is "P". Double meanings says Q. "P", yes. But also, "P"apa Bush, and also "P"rincipalities, "P"owers and mights as in Ephesians....which was what B had posted right before her twitter was taken over by the guy who has it now. Thoughts????
The Foundations.....The "papa bush" foundation got all the money from the peurto ricco relief. Foundations are in tiers, in hierarchy;s and type 1 gets all the money and gives to type 2 and type 3, etc. and the lower levels must have board members and operators from the top levels.
Sandler Foundation....a biggie to research...the main foundation being sent emails in wikilleaks.
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Nehalem -- the name I found in Jeremiah the codename for a microprocessor..."code" name.
@Aavelle Different spelling, Sis. Nehelamite is from Jeremiah 29. See? The last "E" and "A" are flipped.
In relation to Q 897/898
Maybe there is more than meets the eye to the q post. Here is a list of “Wizard and Warlock” terms..
I am now convinced. Marina is The False Prophet. I've sooooooooo much to tell you. My research on her has been mind blowing. "This is bigger than you know" Q
Marina, has been putting herself out there just like Jesus. She goes around the world "teaching" the sheeples about her new religion...the Abromovic Method. She is even preparing us for her death....this is to you guys soon!
Wait. Not false prophet...maybe the full on anti-christ...
I didn't realize we had q channels in this discord. Got my new favorite server now :) and do we have a list of abromovic shows? Might be worth wearing 3 dozen crosses and some garlic for good measure to get a full video of her creepiness.
@Anthem Welcome and thanks for the compliment! We want you to stay, contribute, share, meme, research, chat, whatever best suits your interest/s. And NO, sorry, no Marina exhibits here. LOL
@Aavelle , Q said to follow Marina. Where does she go? Who goes with her? She's not the Anti-Christ. The Anti-Christ is described as the Son of Perdition; hence, a man - not a woman.
But he also says ((they)) have had expansive control over all aspects of our society, that means religion too. I don't think it's safe to think of anything as necessarily safe from modification or falsehoods.
@Bro Where does she go? Who goes with her? She goes around the whole world preaching the gospel of her method. Her desciples go with her. Gaga and the hollywood crowd of witches go with her and also the art embassiders and her staff of people who "collect" her art and ship it. Humm. Will be thinking of more places.
@Bro I am asking the Israel anon to read to me in Hebrew certain verses to see how the pronouns are. But, it worries me not because I am called a son of God but I am a woman. So I am not sure that sex is a factor ...but Ive got my bunny ears out and am down as few rabbit holes...will catch up with ya laters!
ME TOO Anthem! Great people here. Aavelle...can't wait to see your research...that demon spirit cooker is SATAN!
@Aavelle, well, that part of the Bible is in Greek. I've got an interlinear and could double check it for you
Pronouns throughtout the bible referring to mankind do not appear to speak of women. Women appear to be lumped into the "men" or "wo-man" of man. But all lead back to Son of Adam -- even women. In the case of Son or theory is that is the same because everything is mirroed or upside down, but the same basic theme.
In Hebrew, there is no woman at all when Sons of God are spoken of, so I am finding thus far.
@Enoch#enoch Nope. Nothing suspicious there...
@Bro wowie wow wow. I think this will help us break code 4 on the cia child site and I think this is really good stuff here. have you seen this?
For me is a little bit difficult because my vocabulary is not large.