Message from @Aavelle
Discord ID: 426985330416025601
Some crazy shiiiaaat there ah!!
That kinda takes us in a whole new direction!!
Mind blown!
another theory on red/green from an anon
excuse the french...but this is GOOD.
Trump Omnibus speech. He mentions magic at 6:28 in this video.
Web page corrolation between Q posts and Trump posts.
ultimate list of swamp rats
Anons on the chans are digging Planned Parenthood this morning. I'm attaching the Q posts first, followed by a couple screenshots of sauce. FYI, this is **NOT** from the Omnibus Bill.
Nice @Bro I put in on twitter....thanks!!!
Whatcha think of this boom?
And one more boom. Great day!!!
Time to dig.....hep me hep Was given this in a Private Message on Twitter. I want to sauce it - any takers for some help? Take a look.
@Deleted User The Emerald City....I am all over this!!!!
@Deleted User ck this out...
will Q talk about white_castle next?