Message from @~Doc~
Discord ID: 426865790143168512
So far, I've noted nothing wrong in this bill. Everything is MAGA.
Even though people are claiming that nobody read the bill, I believe POTUS knew exactly what was in it from the get-go. The Twitter episode regarding a possible veto was for optics. It plays the bill down, leading the Dems to believe that they got something good out of it.
Aaaand who got funding to sayyy, take care of all the bad actors?
Hellooooo... the DOJ!!
Or I should say OIG
I think this is where I get to use the term "Bend Over"....
As is being pointed out, there are many OIGs.
Somebodiessss in twubble!!
I wonder when the Dems will start to spin the whole thing and what will the narrative be
@~Doc~ , you're probably over in the chan reading this in real-time as well, so this is for everyone else not following. This part of the bill helps to arm people in our children's schools to protect them.
FYI, I have two kids that go to Great Mills.
This stuff is crazy, This bill is assigning HUGE amounts of money for new safe houses Armored Vehicles for witness caravans, expenses for witnesses, secure telecoms equipment and so much more!! Holy shit, what the hell is going on
Sorry, I had to post this goes with what you just were talking about. This is the CHESS game being played out before our eyes. TRUST THE PLAN. The bill was played out Q loves to say, "THESE PEOPLE ARE STUPID."
Of course we should wait for Q to confirm, but *this* seems like one of the biggest days ever.
If confirmed I think we have ourselves one hell of a BOOM. 😃
@~Doc~ Y from the Q book meant occult as well. Nice job
@Deleted User See how it says Pray as well?
@Blaze Biblical Earther @~Doc~ Y was also used to refer to the Rothschilds.
Yesterday, we were digging on a company owned by a group of women. They were business women. They were using the same hashtags as Hillary and Obama right on their website. Does anyone remember what website that was? I'd like to dig and cross-check their names with another list I have.
I found it! If you think these folks are worth a dig, go for it!
I'll get pics for you tomorrow. It's my volunteer day ^^
@Bibliophile Ah, you're in MD too? Me too.
VA. But close enough to smell DC. Lol
One of my sons will be in DC tomorrow, but not to participate in the march. He's redpilled.
Comes from a good family then 😉
Mine is redpilled and does a pretty good job of redpilling her teachers. Lol
And here is why we need that wall.