Message from @TaCktiX

Discord ID: 414412513736785930

2018-02-17 06:36:45 UTC  

gold pill love memes have a place?

2018-02-17 06:43:59 UTC

2018-02-17 06:44:35 UTC

2018-02-17 06:46:06 UTC  

my apologies if this is not the right place or these are no good. it's okay!

2018-02-17 08:46:33 UTC  

Can anybody please explain to me why people were saying there was No Collusion today? People were tweeting it out as if it was a fact that the Mueller Special Counsel stated there was none. Thanks.

2018-02-17 10:07:51 UTC  

there was a press breifing with rod rosenstien

2018-02-17 10:07:58 UTC  

he annouced 13 unsead indictments

2018-02-17 10:08:11 UTC  

and annouced there was interferrence but it did not involve americans

2018-02-17 10:08:36 UTC

2018-02-17 12:43:44 UTC  

Thanks a lot breadbox

2018-02-17 12:44:11 UTC  

I'm assuming that means it is concluded?

2018-02-17 12:44:49 UTC  

Or did he say it in a matter of what they currently have "found." Thanks again.

2018-02-17 13:22:45 UTC  

Actually never mind. Q already said POTUS is free

2018-02-17 13:23:47 UTC  

Wouldn't it be crazy if there were some insiders of the government and deliberately participated in crime to gather evidence and essentially having deep knowledge of the perpetrators?

2018-02-17 13:24:13 UTC  

what do you mean?

2018-02-17 13:27:07 UTC  

oh, der

2018-02-17 13:27:08 UTC  

The NSA already has all the data 😉

2018-02-17 13:27:14 UTC  

it wouldn't surprise me

2018-02-17 13:27:22 UTC  

but really, I think the indictments are absolute small fry

2018-02-17 13:27:31 UTC  

for the time spent, that level of indictment?

2018-02-17 13:27:47 UTC  

the likelihood of Q being the correct interpretation of Mueller's "bought" team has only increased in my mind

2018-02-17 13:30:04 UTC  

Yeah nothing will come of it because we don’t need everyone knowing how many “elections” the clowns have been apart of. It’s bad man real bad..

2018-02-17 13:30:38 UTC  

I further think that the Alabama Special Election was a deliberate "allowance" for documentation purposes

2018-02-17 13:30:53 UTC  

Yeah I think so also

2018-02-17 13:30:53 UTC  

despite clear cases of governmental interest in investigating, recounting, double-checking, etc.

2018-02-17 13:30:55 UTC  

nothing happened

2018-02-17 13:31:12 UTC  

special election happened, upset result, there was talk of lawsuits and "remedies"...nothing

2018-02-17 13:31:22 UTC  

Doug Jones is now on the US Senate floor

2018-02-17 13:31:43 UTC  

I think they are building a big case behind the scenes.. and like you said it’s just going to be evidence..

2018-02-17 13:32:01 UTC  

also why I think this blatantly _bad_ budget was allowed

2018-02-17 13:32:08 UTC  

sure, let the Democrats have their one last hurrah

2018-02-17 13:32:11 UTC  

Might not be brought up again for 5 years but we will hear about it. They got all the documents and paper trails to prove it..

2018-02-17 13:32:22 UTC  

before nearly all of them have to step down from their seats so we can re-elect a non-corrupt government

2018-02-17 13:33:22 UTC  

I never thought about he budget.. but I mean it hasn’t really “changed” much. So I am sure if you had access to the “books” you would be able to see the level of corruption and money “loss”. Yeah it was like once they signed there names he was like gotcha bitch 😉

2018-02-17 13:33:50 UTC  

eh, he essentially sustained the "1:1" spending paradigm

2018-02-17 13:34:15 UTC  

which is a false concept in the first place, but has been Democrat gospel since 2012

2018-02-17 14:20:33 UTC  

I'm still wondering about Mueller.

2018-02-17 14:20:54 UTC  

I could see the purpose of disinfo to get the deep state paranoid if perhaps he's really on their side.

2018-02-17 14:20:59 UTC  

Or maybe he is good. We'll see.