Message from @diversity_is_racism
Discord ID: 259037437710303232
i don't care if you are racist and think that america should have stayed a white country
at this point you have to take what you can get and this is a melting pot
Interesting links from last night's conversation:
@Pretentieux diversity does not work.
diversity doesn't work when you have racist laws like those that favor one race over another such as affirmative action and quotes
diversity does not work no matter what you do
and i would agree that the system is compromised by mass immigration
it fails automatically
it never worked
but that is not true
we faked it but it destroyed us
it was working great
the USA now is a shadow of what it was
no group is to blame, but diversity is to blame
the usa is a shadow of what it was because it is being manipulated by elites
not racist tribalism
this sounds like Left-logic
those people are all insane
they vote for this stuff
no they don't
liberalism is born out of low self-esteem
then it passes and they stare it at it cow-eyed
@sampletext agreed
damaged self-image
and they play mental gymnastics to justify irrational behavior
and then you end up a dragonkin.
justification and excuses are their stock-in-trade
the problem is the scapegoating
let's blame "the elites"
you guys are incorrigable
who put them in power?
hell yeah we are
not going to be bullied into accepting illogical nonsense
read as: fucking retarded
wanna wrestle? loser gets raped
it's as simple as observing reality