Message from @diversity_is_racism
Discord ID: 259039870767464450
oh hey @diversity_is_racism , I see I just missed a whole lot of conversation
he is though
buh buy
> tells us to come back when we grow up
> he's the one that left
i banned him for being a cuck
oh i see
howdy @Valvar
@Jossi smart move
sorry but i don't feel like dealing with retards today, i want to pvp since my raid got cancelled
eject the cuckspam
refreshing to see that kind of initiative
compulsory exit
i'm a take no prisoners kind of asshole, idgaf and yea i don't care if he cries about it
y'all @Valvar is a good fellow to know, but he is on the gab waiting listing
which is of course a pain in the ass
when did you sign up valvar?
just yesterday
@Jossi what's he going to do, sue you for hurt feelings?
ah, yea the wait will suck for you, i'm lucky, i got in in the first month or so
there is a reason i am nervous and like to have visual feedback indicators
i have done stuff like this more times than i can count
"wow that was a great take i can't wait to OH SHIT"
he might, but it wont get far because i live in texas, but i live in the shitty part so it might work
following by 20 minutes of weeping
seriously, fuck ausin
is gab that good?
agreed, fuck austin
and some parts of it are... eh... terrible on all fronts
the campus area is like living in soviet russia
north austin is baffling
i cant wait until im out of here in may, i'm going to some place with women who aren't blue hair armpit whores
south can be nice, but you have to get far away
good move
i live south fo the river
i increased in health by leaving austin