Message from @Ghostler

Discord ID: 477522425131696130

2018-08-09 12:00:46 UTC  

**Forgotten Weapons** Uploaded a new youtube video!

2018-08-10 00:43:25 UTC

2018-08-10 02:12:22 UTC  

wtf that paint job looks like garbage

2018-08-10 06:40:16 UTC  

Why are people from California so retarded

2018-08-10 06:42:38 UTC  

I’m not sure why you’d desecrate a firearm like that... keep it classy

2018-08-10 08:09:21 UTC  

inb4 Holocauster Tycoon 3 finally gets released

2018-08-10 08:24:23 UTC  

God, they would make it into a simulator game

2018-08-10 08:53:57 UTC  

Call of Duty WWII had all the Swastikas removed from the game...

2018-08-10 13:34:17 UTC  

@d3adlyz3bra it's rhodie paint

2018-08-10 16:00:34 UTC  

Rhodesian Bush Camo (Standard for FALs in Rhodesian Military Service, but not their shiny white legs)

2018-08-10 16:38:55 UTC  

still doesnt make it any more aesthetically pleasing lol... even on the FAL it looks like garbage

2018-08-10 16:39:39 UTC  

just looks like someone took a spray can to it... and i doubt serves any actual purpose

2018-08-10 16:40:47 UTC  

actually it looks like feces finger painted...

2018-08-10 16:41:01 UTC  

An alternate name is "Baby poop camo"

2018-08-10 16:42:16 UTC  

pretty accurate... would be great for hiding your rifle in piles of baby poop but not much else lol. seen one that made it look like the rifle was dirty..

2018-08-10 16:42:39 UTC  

i mean i guess if you dont actually use the rifle you would need paint to make it look dirty

2018-08-10 16:45:33 UTC  

**Forgotten Weapons** Uploaded a new youtube video!

2018-08-10 16:46:00 UTC  

Praise be to Gun Jesus!

2018-08-10 16:46:35 UTC  

i feel like theyre forgotten for a reason lol

2018-08-10 17:03:38 UTC  

people bitching about rhodesian camo need to be shot

2018-08-10 17:04:08 UTC  

Should I share some of what I have put on firearms?

2018-08-10 17:10:50 UTC  

lmao might as well just smear your poop on the rifle if youre gonna waste the effort in putting that autistic "design" on a gun

2018-08-10 17:11:55 UTC  

wait thats not even rhodie camo.....

2018-08-10 17:12:11 UTC

2018-08-10 17:13:50 UTC  

@d3adlyz3bra That is the camo used on their uniforms

2018-08-10 17:14:20 UTC  

yeah im readin an article about why they decided to make it look like they shat on their rifles

2018-08-10 17:15:13 UTC

2018-08-10 17:15:30 UTC  

apparently they tried to make it the same paint style as their truck... but this is bush fighting in africa... still the paint job looks like shit

2018-08-10 17:15:50 UTC  

i dont think it could be made to look even half decent

2018-08-10 17:16:23 UTC

2018-08-10 17:17:00 UTC  

poor mans artificial wear and tear

2018-08-10 17:18:30 UTC  

My carbine had wear on the pain, but that is from taking it out and shooting it.

2018-08-10 17:19:33 UTC  

itll take a fuck ton of shooting to get my rifle to look like it has wear lol..

2018-08-10 17:20:32 UTC  

I didn't use Duruacoat so the paint wears quicker. The internals are fine.

2018-08-10 17:21:26 UTC  

mine just has the factory black

2018-08-10 17:22:48 UTC  

I am on the TX / NM boarder, taking a black rifle out into the desert is a bad idea. If you survived 29 stumps you know what I am talking about

2018-08-10 17:23:07 UTC  

yeah i would just get it in tan

2018-08-10 17:23:36 UTC  

im in michigan tho so eventually gonna have a woodland paintjob put on mine

2018-08-10 17:23:58 UTC  

cuz im gonna use my AR10 for hunting

2018-08-10 17:24:18 UTC  

Tan with OD "Rain drops" to match the East German Webgear I put together for the loadout.