Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 650090209102266428

2019-11-29 21:42:30 UTC  

lucky you pelth

2019-11-29 21:42:40 UTC  


2019-11-29 21:42:43 UTC  

name now

2019-11-29 21:42:49 UTC  

-df ligma

2019-11-29 21:42:49 UTC  

**LIGMA**: LIGMA is part of the [BOFA] spectrum of conditions. LIGMA (Loose Internal Gene Mi-Asintits) is the [second stage] of BOFA (Biologically Offset Farkwonian Asintits). In this stage, the disease interferes with the immune system and increases the risk of developing common infections such as [tuberculosis]. Given the weakened immune system, many of the patients, such as popular Fortnite streamer Ninja, die on this stage of the Biologically Offset Farkwonian Asintits (BOFA). It is also the last treatable stage. Although not effective, there are treatments to LIGMA: LIGMA-BALLS (Bi-Asonurdick Lateral Lactatioustits Sequence) that, even though it's experimental, have shown some promise. With stopping the spread of BOFA at the LIGMA stages, it can stop patients from going into the third and final phase of the BOFA sequence: [E-TMA] ([Entrenched] Terminal Mi-Asintits)
*"RIP Ninja. At least [he died] of [Ligma] and not [E-TMA]"
"Yea. Did he at least try the LIGMA-BALLS procedure?"*
*(<>)* *9 more results*

2019-11-29 21:43:48 UTC  

black man

2019-11-29 21:43:56 UTC  

-df mud slap

2019-11-29 21:43:56 UTC  

**mud slap**: the act of partaking in anal sex, then [pulling out] and [slapping] your partner across [the face] with your feces-covered penis. See wordDaniel Pecevich/word.
*That [whore] didn't [like it] when I mudslapped her. [I was drunk] though.*
*(<>)* *9 more results*

2019-11-29 21:44:07 UTC  


2019-11-29 21:44:18 UTC  

I didn’t expect that shit

2019-11-29 21:44:41 UTC  


2019-11-29 21:45:06 UTC  

pomp's name is Yui

2019-11-29 21:45:33 UTC  

Yui ling wong

2019-11-29 21:45:49 UTC  

My name is mike

2019-11-29 21:45:52 UTC  


2019-11-29 21:45:54 UTC  

Mike ox long

2019-11-29 21:45:59 UTC  


2019-11-29 21:46:14 UTC  

yui isn't even a common name

2019-11-29 21:46:19 UTC  
2019-11-29 21:46:21 UTC  


2019-11-29 21:46:23 UTC  

what are you doin RN

2019-11-29 21:46:24 UTC  


2019-11-29 21:46:25 UTC  

like what

2019-11-29 21:46:27 UTC  

ur mom

2019-11-29 21:46:27 UTC  

are you doin

2019-11-29 21:46:29 UTC  

i just looked up typical japanese female names

2019-11-29 21:46:29 UTC  

right now???

2019-11-29 21:46:33 UTC  

you should be on ur KNEEEES

2019-11-29 21:46:33 UTC  


2019-11-29 21:46:34 UTC  

and that was on top

2019-11-29 21:46:37 UTC  

payin homage to the lord bhad baba

2019-11-29 21:46:37 UTC  


2019-11-29 21:46:43 UTC  

go on ur KNEEES

2019-11-29 21:46:44 UTC  

yuri is more common than yui

2019-11-29 21:46:49 UTC  


2019-11-29 21:46:50 UTC  


2019-11-29 21:46:51 UTC  


2019-11-29 21:46:55 UTC  

in jap

2019-11-29 21:46:56 UTC  

pomp dm name

2019-11-29 21:46:58 UTC  


2019-11-29 21:46:59 UTC  
