Message from @King Canuck
Discord ID: 463867079934738443
I think that progressivism isnt inherently bad its just been co-opted by marxists and their weird alliance with corporate bougiouse
As a good example of older progressive positions, by the way, I'd encourage you to look up the origins of Planned Parenthood
I'd disagree on that. It's always been a shade of shitty
Oh yea i heard about PP forget what it was, legit just escaped me
Need a TLDR?
Basically, the founder, woman by the name of Margaret Sanger, supported the legalization of abortion as a way to get rid of black people and those with genetic defects. Supported "parent licenses" too. Now look at where abortion clinics tend to be located
Keep in mind that this was just after the turn of the century, so her opinions weren't looked down upon quite as much as they would be today
uh, random space stuff?
You'll excuse if I don't take fundamentalistdeceit to be an impartial source.
Regarding the support of eugenics, even the wiki admits an overlap, quoting from
While I personally believe in the sterilization of the feeble-minded, the insane and syphilitic, I have not been able to discover that these measures are more than superficial deterrents when applied to the constantly growing stream of the unfit.
I linked the source, see context for yourself. I find it to be an unacceptable breach of bodily integrity, no matter the benefits.
Looking for the source on the parent license thing. I've seen it before, can't find it - all the results are recent articles in support of it. Hang on.
I'll do the rest first. I'll concede that the famous quote is misused, being in reference to people mistaking her intentions, but the fact remains that her work re: contraception was focused on minority communities as they fit her criteria of being "unfit", even if this was largely due to economic conditions.
Pause the conversation, everyone, this is more important
general grievous can dab twice at the same time
Where's that render from? Pretty sure that's not true to the movie.
Hello There....
@propyne i have a small collection of links devoted to countering the fundie-cum-truther smearing of Sanger; they cover different areas somewhat:,33009,988152-2,00.html
that's the wrong flag of Islam
@.B owo
@propyne sneaky >>> boxbox
Just checking in for my daily dose of social interaction aaaaand I've been proven wrong on something. Great.
Thanks @cub I honestly didn't know better
Why the hell doesn't the ping work
Oh, also, happy freedom day to those who have it