hash slinging slasher
Discord ID: 368959117236371467
232 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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Thats a lot of damage
Well does the left really have a stance or are they flip floppig around before the midterms?
Socialism in an nutshell
Wft even is cortez and the dsa
I feel like we're watching a twilight zone
I know
Its so bizzar seeing an elected leader call for open boarder
@Atkins perfect
Happy America Day
@.B owo
Im just board
C ya
Thats a lie
"It wasn't real communism"
Twitter blue check marks are the most honest people out there what do you mean?
Antifa HQ
And nothing of value was lost
Kill me
Im dying
Zero clouds in the sky and no breeze
Ive got one fan and a coca cola
At least i got memes
@propyne got it
232 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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