Message from @Tabmite
Discord ID: 501481761247854605
Can someone explain this to me? @me whenever you do. I don't remember hearing about Clinton accusations, or is that just because the media doesn't want us to hear about them?
there should be no women's rights
only people's rights
also, we need to not believe women, we need to believe people
- project due tomorrow
- accidental 6 hour depression nap
Who would win
A real man.
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, * you're gay , .
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@Matt-Kill723 The non-NPC is talking about *Bill* Clinton. He had a thing back in the day
...that's not how 4:4 time works
^^ best meme of the day imo
>a meme that's so whitewashed it's all white
That's so extremely offensive I can't even begin
*no fun allowed*
Wait, you don't have the fancy spinning sickle on this discord ? <a:HammerSickle:470338844345237514> <a:thinblblbl:406851151510896650>
we are only discount dank
animated emojis reeeeeee
I think this is good