Message from @Niwa
Discord ID: 446692827414528010
@Neja damages the production of testosterone, which is chemical
that sounds like a bunch of bias research tbh
i eat onions all the time and i havent seen much effect
onions are in a lot of diets, and by diet i dont mean thing that you do to lose weight but the actual defintion
because they make food taste better
wait, this doesn't specify anything so does that mean it increases sperm production in females O.o
it just says genitals
i believe it
You can't really take one study as the truth. That doesn't mean you can't consider it either.
>TFW female and like eating onions
How come I haven't jizzed yet
onions: humans way to reproduce by budding
iron actually has more to do with ejacing
anyway moving on
have you done personal research into this?
4chan said only raw onions tho 😳
@Grenade123 dude, you reverse the causality. testes produce testosterone, hence the name. it's not chemical castration when you physically remove the production facilities. it's chemical castration when you inhibit or destroy the testes with chemicals while they still remain in your body. chemical castration is not defined solely by the result of having less chemicals produced by the glands. sort your causality out
ive never been into castranix's. not my fetish
Switching to another topic, considering the recent BS with Spotify refusing to promote certain artists they don't like, I decided to look for another streaming service, and I gotta say. Deezer's not half-bad.
Oh god I hoped no one noticed that typo
But yeah, I'm gonna shill for Deezer for those who want to get off of Spotify
i will steal it for meme purpose
you may not like it but this is what peak performance looks like
onions coming in with 4% of your daily protine for the win
and not really a good source of any vitamines or minerals
good diatary fiber though
more fiber than calorys so it could potentally kill you if it was all you ate
truely the miracle food
im disapoint that there is no "vaccines" "florine" "monsanto" or "gay frogs" there
or psychic pedophile vampires
im curious about this dragon court
i do like dragons
also kinda surprized theres no "kkk" either
do love me some elusive cock goblins