Message from @Arch-Fiend

Discord ID: 448317444155506689

2018-05-22 02:42:05 UTC  

doesent matter your race, your mostly human, and mostly humans have mostly the same patitial for personality types and information storage as such most humans reguardless of genetics are far more impacted by culture than genetics. 99.8% of their genes are simply to make them the same species as eachother to think the .2% outweighs their entire life is rediculous

2018-05-22 02:43:19 UTC  

i think the impact race has on how one deals with culture on a social level is actually more important than the effect race has on the building blocks of being a person

2018-05-22 02:43:46 UTC  

growing up and the only heroes people are talking about around you bieng white and your black i think has more impact

2018-05-22 02:44:39 UTC  

only if you grow up in a culture that emphasis that difference.

2018-05-22 02:45:47 UTC  

if you grow up in a culture in which that is not really even pointed out, then it would be like all my heroes having brown eyes and i have blue.

2018-05-22 02:45:54 UTC  

doesn't make a difference

2018-05-22 02:46:41 UTC  

eh i dont think so. if the culture does empahsis that difference then it will have a greater effect but even one who doesent people slip through the gaps

2018-05-22 02:47:48 UTC  

you dont even need your own culture to do it, if you are impressionable and another culture points that out to you it can have an effect, which is why the "black" culture of the united states is such a problem and also part of how it got to its state

2018-05-22 02:48:57 UTC  

well then you can have the same problem with part of the human body

2018-05-22 02:49:23 UTC  

height, weight, eye color, gender

2018-05-22 02:49:55 UTC  

and to that extent, its not even biological race, it becomes just skin color race

2018-05-22 02:50:31 UTC  

yes, its a matter of role modals

2018-05-22 02:50:38 UTC  

which would make Italians, particularly Sicilian, not white

2018-05-22 02:51:13 UTC  

so its not really about race at all at that point. not really.

2018-05-22 02:51:37 UTC  

at least, not a concept of race that is universal across all cultures

2018-05-22 02:52:06 UTC  

perhaps race how different cultures describe it

2018-05-22 02:52:14 UTC  

its not a race exclusive issue, thats not to say race isint part of it. historicaly speaking on matters of identity politics skin color is often a stronger psychological factor than most others

2018-05-22 02:52:25 UTC  

which would be like how the Irish were viewed for parts of history

2018-05-22 02:53:00 UTC  

hell, jews have the same skin color. yet they seem to be pointed out real quick.

2018-05-22 02:53:14 UTC  

just general "looks"

2018-05-22 02:53:28 UTC  

this is more of an identity issue, or the issues between identity and culture and finding your own identity in a culture

2018-05-22 02:54:00 UTC  

i still don't think calling it race is really the appropriate term. Its just general looks.

2018-05-22 02:54:06 UTC  

people being predudice is a factor but i dont think its a soul factor

2018-05-22 02:54:52 UTC  

any little thing that can identify someone as an "outsider" can set off our fear reflex that makes us want to either run or destroy it

2018-05-22 02:55:03 UTC  

which is how we get witchhunts

2018-05-22 02:55:04 UTC  

the reason race is still appropriate is because those looks call into question upon self reflection where your genetics have traveled. your ancestory.

2018-05-22 02:55:46 UTC  

ive seen people comparing their ancestory to that of the culture they live in where they are ancestors of a genetic pull not geographicly native to the region.

2018-05-22 02:57:42 UTC  

im not really talking that much about predudice because in my opinion its not that common of a problem right now. it may be growing due to the avent of identity politics and the vicious cycle that creates reguardless of who starts it, but personally im more conserned what sociological trends can be observed in populations which have a culture adoption problem

2018-05-22 02:59:28 UTC  

yeah, but at that point you get down to the individual level and can have multiple "races" in one family which makes you not really part of any one of them. Which is why race isn't really an appropriate term because you'd have to randomly assign how far back in human history you start to count as a "race"

2018-05-22 03:00:23 UTC  

its easier to abstract to looks because it doesn't matter if the person is Indian or mixed race white and black, they may both group together under both having similar tan skin.

2018-05-22 03:00:30 UTC  

a highly nationalistic culture that is tolerent of other genetic groups not native to their region that adopts them as their own will have a better success rate with multiracial societys than cultures with very low or antinationalistic tedencys or cultures without tolerence

2018-05-22 03:01:39 UTC  

i dont think many western countrys are very nationalistic while at the same time being very tolerent of non native genetic pools sharing the same culture as them

2018-05-22 03:02:28 UTC  

i think thats not optumal for relations between people or maintaining cultural homogeny. or atleast value homogeny

2018-05-22 03:03:23 UTC  

there is probably a difference that needs to be defined between cultural homogeny and cultural rigidity

2018-05-22 03:04:11 UTC  

which i think some people confuse as the same thing

2018-05-22 03:06:52 UTC  

probably, i like the idea of a geographic region staying culturally constistant eternally. just for my own personal reasons. i like the idea of being able to visit paris tomarrow or ten thousand years from now and have roughly the same experince. however realisticly as a social engineer i realize the impracticality of simply trying to maintain that so id just be happy if the values of geographic regions stay relitivly unchanged and if a region is going to adopt people from a genetic pool that is not geographicly native to it, that both maintain harmony while having consistant values

2018-05-22 03:08:10 UTC  

i don't think you could keep the geographic region the same for ten thousand years, yet alone the culture

2018-05-22 03:08:11 UTC  


2018-05-22 03:08:54 UTC  

"Where is Paris?!"
"Under 3 miles of dirt by now"

2018-05-22 03:09:14 UTC  

its the small bit of idealism i have, i just keep it tempered with being realistic. if people are willing to try power to them so long as they dont abuse other morales

2018-05-22 03:10:27 UTC  

dirt doesent actually stack that fast in 10k years. there are things weve built that long ago sitting on the surface still. though the eternal aspect i mentioned would eventually have that problem