Message from @Flurs
Discord ID: 668586480876126245
He wants to degalize all drugs
if pete wants to have free healthcare
then what do you think will happen to the legalize illegals
He never said he does
@Flurs how's that a good thing?
Ok ok get the hint here anyone is better then Bernie
why is that so
Why would anyone vote for Bernie ?
Bernie is shit candidate
why would anyone vote for the democratic party in general?
it's literally retard baiting
they will win in the end tho
by bringing illegals in
and try to supress white pride
@Deleted User because we had a good one before 1963
Lyndon b Johnson
And ummmm yeah that's all the Dems have whoo hoo.
Lmao why would anyone vote for them lbj was good but really the last good dem president was him
well you're right on that one
What was the last good republican one
basically no one
Regean was an imbecile
that fucked afghan
and fucked later
thanks to the nicaragua affair
both parties are retarded
the negros and spics and becoming majorities
and the US will sink into a shit hole
if it keeps going that way
People debate who is worse
The evil Richard Nixon
Or the way to sweet to be president Jimmy Carter
For president
**John Shelby**: **-46** Rep (#**187**)