Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 668803154300895302
Thats me bitches
-df Rodrigo
**Rodrigo**: Rodrigo is a Outgoing, [humerous] person. always improving and leads his own way.
They attract women to the point it [touches] their heart.
They are great sex partners, will do anything for their women!
Very strong person, And [aware] of things before they happen..
Is a [Great] [sex partner] they attract [women] and they are always improving*
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Are you still planning to go interrailing btw?
Tbh that shit is kind of accurate
Yes I'm
I'm now on way better terms
Good good
-df Benjamin
**Benjamin**: The absolute [cornerstone] upon which chivalry stands, Benjamin is a kindhearted, loving, and [intrepid] soul. Though strong, intelligent, and wise, Benjamin sometimes harbors secrets deep within, only to be entrusted by a small number of his closest companions. He can tend to be quiet and reserved in most situations; however, [Benjamin's] true colors are revealed when he feels comfortable around and pleased with his company. He easily captivates every girl that befriends him; only one has ever truly captured Benjamin's heart. A stunning smile and a shining soul, Benjamin is the ideal icon of a true gentleman in today's society.
*At first glance, Benjamin seemed to be just another [voiceless] existence of the world, though this was [proved] compltely false by his bold and [valiant] actions.*
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I wanna know what Valeria says
-df Valeria
**Valeria**: Valeria is a smart,beautiful,sweet girl. She is one of a kind and hard to find. If your her [boy friend], you need to realize that you are very thankful for what you have.also she could be stubborn like she hates cleaning and helping but it's worth being around her. And when you hang out with her she will make you laugh no matter what and I know that for sure. When you hang out with her there's probably not a slight second that your bored with her. She loves [arts and crafts] too. Also be prepared when you see her family, they will be just like her funny! She's also never without a friend that's what makes her a social butterfly witch leads up to being very popular witch means it might be hard to reach her but it should be a big deal. Also when I say she is smart and funny your probably thinking how?well, out of class that's the fun and funny part of her but in class she focuses but there may be a few laughs and there but mean while she comes all in with [straight a's] and few [b's]. She kinda starts drama. But when she does it's true stuff and people turn it into lies like the game telophone. She usually has [brown curly] hair ([all natural]) and it's the most awesome cute hair you'll ever see. Also she wears mainly pink and sometimes blue. Her favorite color is blue or purple but looks best in pink. Overall she is the best person that for sure you need to meet
*Did you see what Valeria had [on today]?
"Yeah! Let me [put it in] the [newspaper]"
Did you hear Valeria got asked to the dance 10 TIMES! And only said yes to ONE!
"Wow!she must be really cute"*
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women arent smart
-df Noah
**Noah**: Noah. He's a person who holds many gifts. For some people he's the love of their lives and for others he's an extraordinary friend. Well in my case. He can make us feel cherished, feel beautiful, feel loved; he can make us laugh, he can make us upset or even mad sometimes but you won't able to [stay mad] at Noah forever. You will share all kinds of moments, happy or sad but just remember its ok to not be ok sometimes, and Noah will respect that. He'll enjoy being around you and will try his best to [do so] as much as he can. Noah will make every moment [memorable]. He can be protective at times but do not think this is a bad thing, hes simply doing it to defend you and wouldn't mind [getting hurt] for a friend or partner although we shouldn't encourage this. He will always put you before himself.
*[I love you] [noah]😂😂*
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-df Tyrone
**Tyrone**: The kind of guy you find in the hood selling cocaine covered [chicken wings]. The kind of guy who knows
people that can get you into anywhere. A guy who never puts [mayo] on his sandwiches. A guy who [whistles] at woman know matter how ugly they are.
*Yo Tyrone! [hook me up] [with that] [good crack]!*
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