Message from @.B

Discord ID: 474325617836294154

2018-08-01 21:15:34 UTC  

But it's what you think

2018-08-01 21:15:36 UTC  

just like when someone robs your bike, you assume he was black 😏

2018-08-01 21:15:41 UTC  

You just confirmed it

2018-08-01 21:15:42 UTC  

As for video games here's a much better study than all the ones with the issues Belial noted:

2018-08-01 21:15:47 UTC  

it isn't always the case, but you are statistically correct

2018-08-01 21:16:32 UTC  

hmm interesssshhhting

2018-08-01 21:16:54 UTC  

i mean, here as an example, isnt completely devoid of women! id ont think

2018-08-01 21:16:56 UTC  

The problem is the statement you're saying requires three things: 1. we need to know what people mean when they say 'there's no women on the internet' 2. we need to know how closely that fits the data 3. we need to know how many people actually believe number 1

2018-08-01 21:17:08 UTC  

Also, 4chans nature makes it impossible to actually figure out it's users. And you'd have to frequent everything postwd to try and figure it out, and not risk missing segments of the site where females might gather that men don't, on average.

2018-08-01 21:17:29 UTC  

If 10% of men on the internet actually believe that and are wrong that doesn't mean most men are wrong.

2018-08-01 21:17:33 UTC  

XD yeah youll probably become autistic just combing thru that data XD

2018-08-01 21:17:46 UTC  

Statistically correct is not a thing. It can be statistically likely but a fact is either correct or its not.

2018-08-01 21:18:05 UTC  

I thought this was a dogs only server

2018-08-01 21:18:20 UTC  

a fact? I said what you assume

2018-08-01 21:18:46 UTC  

what you assume is what you assume, the fact is irrelevant, it's unknown

2018-08-01 21:18:59 UTC  

that's why you _assume_

2018-08-01 21:19:32 UTC  

there's no where close to 50% of women in 4chan

2018-08-01 21:19:41 UTC  

XD i mean i doubt theres only guys in this server

2018-08-01 21:20:03 UTC  

I would doubt it if there were a lot of top boards maijorly female, but it isn't the case

2018-08-01 21:20:23 UTC  

I think he is confusing the joke with what people think

2018-08-01 21:20:39 UTC  

the joke is, in the Internet, everyone is white straight and male

2018-08-01 21:20:58 UTC  

that doesn't mean everyone is. It's just the majority group

2018-08-01 21:21:37 UTC  

XD yeah not bad i mean i know for a fact some of the ppl on here are female lol

2018-08-01 21:21:49 UTC  

no shit, I pointed that out above

2018-08-01 21:21:51 UTC  

well. fact.... i havent like, physically checked or anything

2018-08-01 21:21:51 UTC  


2018-08-01 21:21:53 UTC  

And many would say that the greater implication is that on the internet what you are doesn't fucking matter because everyone will be judged regardless of how they actually look if that's what they wish

2018-08-01 21:22:08 UTC  


2018-08-01 21:22:12 UTC  

XD yeah the beauty of anonimity

2018-08-01 21:22:14 UTC  

and women usually dont like that

2018-08-01 21:22:49 UTC  

i mean if i had nice tits id want ppl to know they are my nice tits online XD

2018-08-01 21:22:53 UTC  

Hard to say, since the ones who do like it aren't going to be as likely to let you know they're women

2018-08-01 21:23:07 UTC  

easier to manipulate ppl into givin me da monies 😄

2018-08-01 21:23:28 UTC  

@Schedrevka those are deviants =p

2018-08-01 21:23:34 UTC  

there aren't many deviants

2018-08-01 21:24:37 UTC  

Ad page claims 30% wahmen

2018-08-01 21:24:42 UTC  

But it's inherently difficult to know just how many they are even if they're the minority

2018-08-01 21:24:46 UTC  

For 4chan

2018-08-01 21:25:06 UTC  

sure, but they are the minority

2018-08-01 21:25:06 UTC  

lol need to find me one of them deviant womens T_T