Message from @NativeInterface

Discord ID: 481047252782022666

2018-08-20 05:28:42 UTC

2018-08-20 09:16:09 UTC  


2018-08-20 09:16:09 UTC

2018-08-20 09:30:15 UTC  

If peanut butter cookies are made from peanut butter, then what are Girl Scout cookies made out of?

2018-08-20 09:31:56 UTC  

heh clever

2018-08-20 09:41:35 UTC  


2018-08-20 09:42:04 UTC  


2018-08-20 09:42:04 UTC

2018-08-20 10:00:48 UTC  

thats interesting

2018-08-20 10:08:21 UTC  

It does look like a good system. You could set up a bot to record the addresses of all content then let you know when it becomes unsearchable.

2018-08-20 10:09:07 UTC  

oh right, thats interesting too

2018-08-20 10:21:46 UTC  

Right, you're thinking about being on a site where you can't get rid CP. Nothings perfect. All you can do is make sure you aren't storing any of it on your machine .
What the saying. 'You can't stop the signal'

2018-08-20 10:23:52 UTC  

it's probably arguable if that's even a bad thing
the evidence is there for anyone to help conduct an investigation to track down the original source

2018-08-20 10:25:03 UTC  

90% CP is under Government control of observation anyway.

2018-08-20 10:25:46 UTC  

But it still is not going to be good optics is it. It's not a platform a main stream personality could use.

2018-08-20 10:26:30 UTC  

thats why its interesting that they can censor it on the surface

2018-08-20 10:27:41 UTC  

Well that's just their UI. It wouldn't take much to write your own where it wasn't if you have a list a addresses.

2018-08-20 10:28:49 UTC  

yeah but i think that would be considered a different site

2018-08-20 10:30:02 UTC  

it's a bit like a mainstream personality couldnt be on the internet because the internet has cp

2018-08-20 10:30:14 UTC  

It would. But coz of how the info is stored it's really no different to Amazon and Ebay having a listing up for the product being sold by the same seller.

2018-08-20 10:31:23 UTC  

Not really. Coz you does not allow CP and can make delete it.

2018-08-20 10:33:16 UTC  

Sorry English fail there.

2018-08-20 10:33:34 UTC  

well either way it would be an interesting public debate

2018-08-20 10:34:27 UTC  

It would if you could get ppl to sit down and talk about reality rather than clutching pearls.

2018-08-20 10:35:12 UTC  

the tv debates would be retarded as usual, but if thats where the public spotlight is, it encourages discussion on more sensible forums

2018-08-20 10:36:38 UTC  

for example the debate about crypto currencies started off really retarded in mainstream media, but the debate is slowly changing to be more realistic

2018-08-20 10:37:53 UTC  

it's going from being associated to drugs and crime and being fringe, to being associated with wall street speculation and being mainstream

2018-08-20 10:43:14 UTC  

Yeah. But you will never get away from the pearl clutches about it being used for drugs and gangs. It is internet cash and there will always be a stooge put up to warn of it dangers.

Live debates don't work. They quickly turn into crowd pleasing, hyperbole and sound bites. This is why YT is so good. It's like the old days. You world write out your idea and reasons for it and release it to the world. Then I can write my response. There is no interruption and anyone can jump in at any point.

2018-08-20 10:43:48 UTC  

Live debate is fun to watch but in the end is only good for entertainment.

2018-08-20 10:44:00 UTC  

sure, i don't disagree

2018-08-20 10:45:24 UTC  

9000 hours in photoshop © DO NOT INFRINGE

2018-08-20 10:45:44 UTC  


2018-08-20 10:46:17 UTC  

Inspired by Tim & Bunty

2018-08-20 10:47:11 UTC  

the protected classes are completely cherry picked

2018-08-20 10:47:12 UTC  

@NativeInterface here's us talking shit and we're missing Tim get down to the important stuff.

2018-08-20 10:47:39 UTC  

i know, thats why i brought it to <#398973785426100234>

2018-08-20 10:47:44 UTC  

yup, shame on you

2018-08-20 10:49:01 UTC  

Giving protected class's to fetishes is a slippery slope iyam

2018-08-20 10:49:35 UTC  

having any protected class is the same as privilege