Message from @DOGASS

Discord ID: 484454296222695474

2018-08-29 18:23:46 UTC  

>mutilating your partner to make it fit your sick, twisted personal ideals

2018-08-29 18:31:27 UTC  

are you talking about a cucumber?

2018-08-29 18:37:06 UTC  

but on a more serious note, I think we're nearing the end of an era. Our cultural values of openness, transparency, fairness and liberty have been pushed to their only logical conclusions, while our "natural" morale hasn't had time to adjust, creating schisms all across culture.
100 years ago everyone stood neatly in line and showed only their ankle. Lots of people were oppressed because they wanted to see the entire knee or what have you but they dared not speak out
Now, take as an example the lolicon debate ITT. If you're logical, fair and consistent there can be nothing wrong with it, enjoying lolicon art can be no different from enjoying violent art, or any other fictional medium expressed. Yet I know a lot of people are deeply emotionally disturbed even by the idea of someone, somewhere enjoying lolicon. It reminds me a bit of ancient Greece, or at least what little I remember from the history lessons, with people publicly masturbating and homosexuality being practiced openly.

2018-08-29 18:38:39 UTC  

As for what's next... I don't know. A new puritan movement might get a foothold, or people might organize into smaller groups of "degenerates" no longer interacting with the other groups.... Or something. I don't think our current state of affairs is stable

2018-08-29 18:58:21 UTC  
2018-08-29 19:04:42 UTC  

Agreed. You can see this in the Pride parades we have now. Where as in the past it was about showing there is nothing wrong being gay, it has now turned into something different. People feel a deep need to 'express' themselves. This, inho, has come from fame culture, reality TV and the like.
We need to be very careful how far we let the pendulum swing the other way. We are in the early times of the internet where people can find like minded people and feel emboldened by numbers.
There is a puritan culture with a following of over a billion and is on he march across the globe.
We have come so far to allow people to enjoy who they are and what they enjoy, let's not throw it all in the trash coz it makes a few people comfortable. @Crow

2018-08-29 19:42:49 UTC  

Do you think calling me names actually hurts my feelings

2018-08-29 19:45:29 UTC  

сука блять

2018-08-29 19:45:43 UTC

2018-08-29 19:49:30 UTC

2018-08-29 19:52:38 UTC you know how if you lean back and stretch your arms, it makes it pretty easy for someone to see your armpits. well today some chick behind me did that and it's a fucking jungle in there. Hairier than mine. it's no surprise then that she has the thick rimmed retro glasses, dyed hair, and a backpack covered in SJW pins

2018-08-29 19:54:45 UTC  


2018-08-29 19:55:02 UTC  

>basic hygiene is the evil Republicans

2018-08-29 19:55:46 UTC  

I don't care if some girl decides not to shave her pits, but the ones who do it as a political statement annoy me. Like how they'll take constant selfies with their arms conveniently lifted with their hands behind their head to show it off

2018-08-29 19:56:16 UTC

2018-08-29 20:02:45 UTC  

Anime was created by the Japanese to push da joos agenda

2018-08-29 20:07:12 UTC

2018-08-29 20:08:15 UTC

2018-08-29 20:08:24 UTC  

Let me elaborate

2018-08-29 20:10:26 UTC

2018-08-29 20:10:36 UTC  

Peak Boomer

2018-08-29 20:16:54 UTC

2018-08-29 20:17:20 UTC

2018-08-29 20:25:40 UTC

2018-08-29 20:27:22 UTC  

Delete this

2018-08-29 20:27:52 UTC  


2018-08-29 20:27:58 UTC  

Preserve it

2018-08-29 20:28:17 UTC  

Truth shall be preserved

2018-08-29 20:28:36 UTC  

What kind of far right Nazi thinking must it take to create such a homophobic image 😤

2018-08-29 20:30:46 UTC  

What makes this Homophobic!? do you hate gay fanfiction of real world leaders?!

2018-08-29 20:32:32 UTC  


2018-08-29 20:33:03 UTC  

It's damaging to the LGBT community to depict someone who is a symbol of freedom like Kim Jong Un having relations with literally hitler.

2018-08-29 20:33:34 UTC  

Also they whitewashed drumpf which is pretty racist tbh.

2018-08-29 20:34:20 UTC  

He's orange

2018-08-29 20:35:39 UTC

2018-08-29 20:35:48 UTC  

<#463054787336732683> is just shitposting but you're accountable for what you say

2018-08-29 20:36:05 UTC  

Calling Poe on that