Message from @Jasse
Discord ID: 500177419559370752
Shut your whore mouth. Shadman is amazing.
>vanilla is actually becoming harder to find in hentai spheres
Vanilla hentai by definition doesn't exist, hentai is in and of itself a fetish
At least NPCs are retarded by design, you're retarded in spite of yourself.
Hentai isn't a fetish, hentai is but a median which can portray a fetish.
NPC meme is genius. just look how well its working.
and you got also triggered by it, that means its good one.
@Fredy_The_Yeti true
Nah the NPC part is funny, but I've seen you act like a chimp all day and it's kinda sad. At least you'll never reproduce.
lol. why so but hurt?
I've just been arguing with like 4 of you brainlets all day, and I'm just tired of the aversion to reason. "The holocaust didn't happen!" ***Sees evidence of zyklon B stained chambers*** "Haha, I can't see it if I close my eyes!"
You're as bad as SJWs
oh well mybe you can proove it then?
there was one picture of air raid shelter
And one of delousing chamber.
but there wasnt one where people were gassed.
And what evidence did you provide?
One was too flimsy to be a proper air raid shelter.
And you claimed the blue wasnt Zyclon B, and then claimed it was staturation of the pic.
I already know you are going to ignore the evidence. People already showed you shit earlier today. Go back to praying to captain egg head spencer.
And then said, why dont they use guns then? And then people provided reasons why they didnt.
We even have a company that was basically 99% dissolved because they produced the zyclon B on an industrial scale
And whats your evidence it was those
Im not saying they are gassing chambers, but you didnt say why they are those either.
Are we discussing wether the Holocaust happened again?
And of course the testimony of not only the Jews that were there, but the allied forces that liberated the camps are all Jewish lies. It's a globalist plot to lie about history. Just like how Big Globe is lying about the flat earth, right?
Nah, hes only saying they wernt gassed
yes zyclon B was used alot. it was pesticides
Prove that.
Zyclon B is a pesticide
And they mass produced it.
And sent it to camps where alot of people were being trained to and "dissapearing"
If it were a pesticide, why were they only being sent to those camps?
Also why does it matter if they weren't gassed if they were still genocided? The outcome is still the same
Also I should point out, german air shelters
because of typhus was rampant
They were training them to be farmers duh
Are mostly curved at the top
In an arch
That room you provided is neither curved, and also has nothing in the middle to provide resistance to a direct hit