Message from @aidanwr for now
Discord ID: 500210707061800973
And mind you the 6 million comes from population displacement as well.
Quite frankly it doesn't matter if they intentionally killed them or not. What they did to the jews is the direct cause of the deaths of millions. The Germans killed Jews, whether purposely or out of incompetence, they killed Jews. (In regards to "most Jews were commies", this is unfounded. Jews were the highest class, doesn't make sense to believe in socialism which would demonize your own people)
And its hard as fuck to trace
those horrific human testings are only hearsay
So mangellan is framed?
Or how many of them ended up working for the US?
Also id disagree on that part.
Rich people ask for socialism alot as well.
Then again, mostly upper middle class.
Or the real poor like students
its not about money. its about control and power,
Okay, so its your word against US historians who micht be "corrupt"
just simply look at USSR. they enslaved whole nation.
People are socialist for the power.
Of course, alot of the upper mid class socialists are usually the same people assuming they are the ones with the commisar cap
If you have the same content matter (e.g. penus in vegene) but you prefer the medium of hentai over photorealism, you have a hentai fetish
Wait, it has stopped now...
Kind of a personal tiny celebration. But two of favorite anime, *Kill la Kill* & also *Wanna Be the Strongest in the World* first aired 5 years ago around now in the last week!
Kill la Kill was great, definitely a good successor to Gurren Lagann
it's a shame TRIGGER has been not as good since then
Little Witch Academia was pretty good, but Darling in the FranXX was too _Guilty-Crown-ey._
The new one, Gridman, is... okay, so far. Never was a fan of Ultraman so this may not be for me.
Well they essentially got me into anime with Kill la Kill, it inspired me to find more stuff like it, like Re: Cutie Honey (which was also worked on by a bunch of TRIGGER/Gainax talent, even had Anno of Neon Genesis Evengelion fame as the director), some of Go Nagai's stuff. I also got a bunch of non-Kill la Kill-esque anime that I would have maybe never tried if it was not for KlK.
I will kind of say that none of their post-KlK stuff pulls me though, which is probably why why I watch their older stuff.
Oh shit. Thats my boi Adrian Alaberg
imagine being this btfo'd and bad at memes
top 10 anime couples
wow, hanging out with terrorists
2 suspected white supremacists
Interracial couples like this are the way forward as a society
This is beautiful. People/toque relationships are next level progressive.
Bunty/Toque babies would be totes adorbs
i wonder how many people have seen the top of his head
There are photos floating around
bunty probably just wanted to eat his ass