Message from @GingaBomber
Discord ID: 500185539832578048
everyone put enemys of state in camps.
Maybe this
I gotta go sleep
But I found this small thing
May help you guys
Look I dont like pandering to the majority when it comes to information.
But If someones gonna convince me that the germans internned that many people and failed to feed them or provide enough resources to ensure they are alive but in a way unable to harm
germans even build barraks in thoes camps.
there as hospitals and people were taken care of.
thats way better than you can say what US did with japs
Or gulac in USSR...
Comparable to gulags.
And yet less japs died in internment comparatively to how many they internned.
Now you are just saying "But it wasnt as bad as the other countries"
From "Okay jews died but they wernt killed en masse"
and those pictures of camps are end of war when there wasnt any resources and supply lines were cut.
And people were just left there before they were set free.
To " Germany treated jews better than Japs in America and Russian to dissidents.
To "Germany managed to kill 6 million due to their incompetence"
Millitary and logistically.
it was war. army needed resourses and good that there were food to even feed soldiers.
no one belives 6milion figure.
I only used it as a figurte of speech
Because nobody fuckign agrees on it
Or the number
you can go to any historian and ask. 6 milion is lie
Yes yes I know that.
So whats your take then?
Jews were considered an enemy as a demographic
So they were internned.
Due to the war, resources were simply reallocated
So jews and other dissidents starved en masse
And "Hospitals" and "clinics" were for treating prisoners/
While also evidence of human testing also existed.
And mind you the 6 million comes from population displacement as well.
Quite frankly it doesn't matter if they intentionally killed them or not. What they did to the jews is the direct cause of the deaths of millions. The Germans killed Jews, whether purposely or out of incompetence, they killed Jews. (In regards to "most Jews were commies", this is unfounded. Jews were the highest class, doesn't make sense to believe in socialism which would demonize your own people)
And its hard as fuck to trace
those horrific human testings are only hearsay
So mangellan is framed?
Or how many of them ended up working for the US?
Also id disagree on that part.