Message from @Phalynx
Discord ID: 504792034779987989
Anyone know whats going on here?
@Poppy Rider I would bet it is a bug, rather than an attempt to censorship
red tsunami
I'm confused by all of that
>not 100% liberty REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
do the words below get well defined?
wtf is Care or Fairness in that context?
how can Liberals be high on fairness?
I answered neutrally on most of the questions...
O_o left liberal is less liberal than conservative... Checks out
that test seems fucked up
@Phalynx link the test bucko
@Joe_Limon I'm not surprised on that one 😏
>Dan turns up the TV just as his father is talking about his military service.
A couple of those questions were super fucked up, like one about lying about taking birth control, incest, etc.
>Sarah gets drunk in a bar and makes out with two strangers at once.
I have nothing against it. I would just not consider her wife material
I am peeved by actions such as making out with two strangers, regardless of sex.
Dunno how i got such high auth
Then again, compared to people my age, I'm a fucking prude.
>Using both a condom and the pill, a brother and a sister decide that they want to sleep with each other - just once, to see what it would be like.
@Dess Dess DESS damn were pretty close on this test
No. Stop that.
hey man if they take the precautions i dont care if someone is having incest
i only care if they make a baby
Still, that's gonna be a no from me, dawg.
A lot of those questions needed more context
The Muhammad one made me laugh.