Message from @Fighting Gold

Discord ID: 682523908930404365

2020-02-26 18:17:40 UTC  

I'm just adding bit by bit to my stockpile

2020-02-26 18:17:51 UTC  

Getting a veriety of canned foods

2020-02-26 18:17:58 UTC  

Including fruit

2020-02-26 18:18:05 UTC  


2020-02-26 18:51:03 UTC  

tell them a tenth of the earths humans are currently under lockdown, it does not just affect old people

2020-02-26 18:51:39 UTC  

tell them they can still use the supplies even if nothing major happens

2020-02-26 18:51:56 UTC  

you need food with and without a pandemic

2020-02-26 18:53:39 UTC  

there are really only upsides to being prepared

2020-02-26 18:54:01 UTC  

its like using your seatbelt

2020-02-26 18:54:50 UTC  

at very little cost you can protect yourself against unlikely but catastrophic damage

2020-02-26 18:55:46 UTC  

"do you want to buy food now or when the supermarkets are empty?" could also work

2020-02-26 20:23:46 UTC  

How much of Sam Hyde’s β€œacting” is not ironic?

2020-02-26 20:31:47 UTC  

None of his acting is ironic, it is all post-ironic

2020-02-27 01:09:02 UTC  

@Fighting Gold I can't believe this came out in 2020

2020-02-27 17:14:24 UTC  

Say no to feds

2020-02-27 19:01:17 UTC Check out this channel.

2020-02-27 19:17:56 UTC Married, hit the wall, no kids BUT 7 dogs and a cow

2020-02-27 19:20:52 UTC  


2020-02-28 09:42:13 UTC  


2020-02-28 11:10:02 UTC

2020-02-28 11:10:06 UTC  

Volume I of a planned multi-part series compiles mountains of evidence, including scarce sources and new translations, to explain:Why Hitler hid the fact that he worked for Kurt Eisner's revolutionary government and was an elected liaison and propagandist for the Communist Soldiers' Councils of the Bavarian Soviet Republic.Why Hitler was a Communist informant, intelligence agent for the Reichswehr and spy.Why Captain Karl Mayr and General Erich Ludendorff chose Lance Corporal Adolf Hitler to lead an anti-Semitic and anti-Bolshevik National-Socialist party, and how they made him into a "German Joan of Arc", dangerous demagogue and belligerent dictator.Why Hitler infiltrated the German Workers' Party, changed its name to the National Socialist German Workers' Party and replaced its leader Anton Drexler.Why Hitler let the British escape at Dunkirk, why he lost the Battle of Britain and why he opposed Operation Sea Lion.Why Hitler collaborated with the Soviet Union, then attacked it and ensured his own defeat.Why Hitler, who never declared wars, declared war on America.Why Hitler wanted Lebensraum in the East as living space for his dead German soldiers.Why Hitler let Hermann Goering deliberately lose the war he helped Hitler deliberately start.Why Hitler repeatedly sacrificed his soldiers to the Soviets and provided Stalin with foreknowledge of his plans.Why Hitler refused to negotiate a peace at war's end and instead issued the Nero Order calling for the suicidal destruction of Germany by Germans.Find the unexpected answers to these and countless other conundrums in "Adolf Hitler: Bolshevik and Zionist".

2020-02-28 14:55:22 UTC  


2020-02-28 15:12:31 UTC  

What on God's earth is this........................

2020-02-28 15:12:58 UTC  

I can say for a fact Adolf was none of those terms.