Message from @Fighting Gold

Discord ID: 679046985851863051

2020-02-17 19:15:50 UTC

2020-02-17 19:15:54 UTC

2020-02-17 19:16:02 UTC  

The decline precedes WW2

2020-02-17 19:16:14 UTC  

It's prosperity in general

2020-02-17 19:17:07 UTC  

Looking at France though which had its decline as one of the first countries it's already starting to reverse (even accounting for muslims)

2020-02-17 19:20:33 UTC  

Do you mean that native french are having increasing birthrates? where do you even get that data, i thought in france they dont separate people by race in any statistics

2020-02-17 19:21:42 UTC  

They don't but immigration wasn't thing which caused the increase afaik

2020-02-17 19:23:06 UTC I remember learning about this model in geography class and it pretty much holds up regardless of social norms/laws etc.

2020-02-17 19:23:55 UTC  

If you're going to have a prosperous society you'll experience rapid population growth at first, have it decline again and the model says it'll eventually balance out

2020-02-17 19:24:06 UTC  

But what actually happens is deadends die off

2020-02-17 19:24:20 UTC  

And birthrates eventually start rising again

2020-02-17 19:24:28 UTC  

Besides, is this not the model of liberal technochracy in which technological improvement makes the tearing down of rules and standards possible? That does not contradict my point, the industrialisation made tearing down of traditional gender roles possible and the birthrate decrease is the result. feminism did not start in the 20th century, it has been progressing for hundreds of years

2020-02-17 19:25:20 UTC  

You'd have to be pretty dense to suggest feminism did play that much of a role in France's early stage of decline

2020-02-17 19:26:31 UTC  

Just look at the behaviour coming out of countries like Bahrain with outright draconic laws on the books and still birthrates etc. are declining and degeneracy rising

2020-02-17 19:26:55 UTC  

That's despite those societies being traditionally polygamous

2020-02-17 19:27:19 UTC  

the highest birthrate is what you get with the equivalent of a puppy mill. we were closer to that 500 years ago than a hundred years ago

2020-02-17 19:27:25 UTC  

Which I think leads to a less bad impact given males are selected to have a lot of children

2020-02-17 19:28:02 UTC  

You're not going to create medieval birthrates without Malthusian conditions

2020-02-17 19:29:57 UTC  

i think looking at polygamous societies complicates things unnecessarily

2020-02-17 19:30:16 UTC  

I was just bringing up even they experience a decline

2020-02-17 19:30:17 UTC  

what are you telling me with your last line?

2020-02-17 19:31:03 UTC  

That the sort of children per woman birthrate is noit attainable through social engineering but poverty

2020-02-17 19:31:30 UTC  

People in prosperous societies do not feel the need to have children to have them be farmhands

2020-02-17 19:31:43 UTC  

Or if you want one child to have 8 so 1 survives

2020-02-17 19:31:52 UTC  

in poverty women have clearer roles than in decadence

2020-02-17 19:32:04 UTC  

Not necessarily

2020-02-17 19:32:08 UTC  

less freedom too

2020-02-17 19:32:44 UTC  

I remember seeing stats on how egalitarian societies like Norway are actually more unequal than third world shitholes

2020-02-17 19:33:13 UTC  

Because they had to help work or whatever, I don't remember exactly

2020-02-17 19:33:23 UTC  

thats about job choice, not family

2020-02-17 19:33:40 UTC  

jordan peterson likes to mention this

2020-02-17 19:34:43 UTC  

Anyway I'd like to bring up how the third Reich made women leave the workplace prewar and it still had a worse birthrate than Weimar

2020-02-17 19:34:43 UTC  

its about which job they choose

2020-02-17 19:36:10 UTC  

Im argueing for the general rule, i dont know what happened in that specific case

2020-02-17 19:36:49 UTC  

I didnt come up with it, there are a number of people making this point

2020-02-17 19:37:01 UTC  

The model of feminism caused birthrates to decline simply doesn't explain the declien of birthrates well enough

2020-02-17 19:37:21 UTC  

I don't like appeals to authority and I brought up a well respected model earlier

2020-02-17 19:37:52 UTC  

A model which isn't just talked about in articles but taught in schools

2020-02-17 19:43:38 UTC  

not that im in favor of it either but saying youre against appeals to authority and being a monarchist is ironic. And I dont really care what they teach in schools nowadays, how can you even make that argument..
If its math then ok, but for anything slightly political obviously dont rely on the education system

2020-02-17 19:47:06 UTC  

You know what an appeal to authority is right? It's blindly trusting an authority figure to tell you the truth, not supporting authority in the political context (Scienceman said x therefore x is true)
You brought up OPeds from Journos who also believe in the wage gap etc. as authoritative so I think a model being taught in school which isn't really political is a bit more trustworthy

2020-02-17 19:47:41 UTC  

It's like saying Algebra is taught in school therefore Algebra is marxist subversion