Message from @Fighting Gold

Discord ID: 685899488367214595

2020-03-07 09:10:42 UTC  

Napoleon is a bit underrated in reactionary circles because of all the republics he made way for

2020-03-07 09:11:24 UTC  


2020-03-07 09:11:45 UTC  

I'd choose a non retarded Royal over a middle nobleman larping as one

2020-03-07 09:12:11 UTC  

@Imperial J. Yay why? He was objectively much better.

2020-03-07 09:12:23 UTC  

Than the Bourbons

2020-03-07 09:12:29 UTC  

and he was barely a noble

2020-03-07 09:13:11 UTC  

The Bourbons lost the Mandate of Heaven.

2020-03-07 09:13:12 UTC  

there were no skinheads in napoleons time, and attracting people like that wouldnt have been as bad optics as it is today because of the ease of information exchange

2020-03-07 09:13:27 UTC  

Also feds

2020-03-07 09:15:12 UTC  

Skinheads of Napoleons time would have unironically been the Jacobins

2020-03-07 09:15:14 UTC  

@Fighting Gold There were chad Muscadins dealing with the lower class sans-culottes

2020-03-07 09:17:21 UTC  

You would beat these people with canes if you had the chance

2020-03-07 09:44:24 UTC  

@RIP Skelly The Beggars of Naples where Reactionary because the King was friendly to them. They where the only ones loyal to that monarchy where the bourgeoisie and nobles wanted liberal republicanism:

2020-03-07 09:51:09 UTC  


2020-03-07 15:25:32 UTC  
2020-03-07 16:47:59 UTC

2020-03-07 16:56:49 UTC  

🤮 😬 🔫

2020-03-07 16:57:18 UTC  

Specifically blonde women?

2020-03-07 17:13:55 UTC  

Why not Jewish women?

2020-03-07 17:18:26 UTC  

because sweden is full of swedes, not jews

2020-03-07 17:19:41 UTC  

and yews are kind of based, they make us cucks but they are not (usually)

2020-03-07 17:53:48 UTC  

>competitive sex

2020-03-07 17:54:21 UTC  

competing with your bro to father the biggest dynasty

2020-03-07 19:09:50 UTC  

i wish

2020-03-07 19:11:20 UTC  

We all do.

2020-03-07 19:12:44 UTC  

he did it
he unleashed the migrants?
he is going all in.

2020-03-07 20:11:36 UTC

2020-03-07 23:21:18 UTC

2020-03-07 23:24:58 UTC