Message from @𝐇𝖆𝖚𝖕𝖙𝖘𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖋𝖚𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖗

Discord ID: 692097525150253147

2020-03-23 00:08:08 UTC  

Orange man bad

2020-03-23 18:16:58 UTC  

Hamilton was right on immigration. It destroys a nation.

2020-03-24 19:34:04 UTC  

Wasn't Hamilton pro immigration? I thought he was the crypto jew of the era?

doesnt seem like it

2020-03-24 19:35:38 UTC  

Idk, just read the last paragraph.

2020-03-24 19:35:43 UTC  

Not based at all.

2020-03-24 19:37:05 UTC  

Sounded like some melting pot, centrist nonsense.

2020-03-24 19:38:43 UTC  

Hamilton wrote anonymous slander toward his enemies, he moved to New York, and wanted to start a National Bank. Not sure if crypto is the word for him.

2020-03-24 19:39:36 UTC  

Yeah, he sounds like a grabler

2020-03-24 19:39:55 UTC  

Afaik Hamilton had good views on trade policy
Don't know about the rest

2020-03-24 19:40:26 UTC  

Wasn't basically everyone back then against immigration

2020-03-24 19:40:39 UTC  

Anyone with a sack

2020-03-24 19:41:23 UTC  

America isn't a country, it's a market.

2020-03-24 19:42:56 UTC  

Sad, but true because of people like Hamilton.

2020-03-24 19:43:59 UTC  

But Hamilton opposed free trade

2020-03-24 19:44:55 UTC  

There was a Hamilton orientated podcast I listened to a while back, can't recall the name but essentially Hamilton jewd up the US.

2020-03-24 19:47:03 UTC

2020-03-24 19:47:19 UTC  

Apparently he was pro immigration and then against it

2020-03-24 19:48:02 UTC  

fuck Hamilton. The only thing Aaron Burr did wrong was not shoot him earlier.

at least he figured out he was wrong

2020-03-24 19:49:15 UTC  

Lol burr

no more conspiracy theories

2020-03-24 19:58:26 UTC  

Conspiracy? That is a .edu link, me thinks confirmation bias condirmed.

I bet if we start digging into Hamilton's policies and actions, we'll find a lot more subversion than what made the wikipedia page.

@LimaGolf would you support a jew that is anti-jew

2020-03-24 19:59:15 UTC  

The best antijews are jews.

2020-03-24 20:01:28 UTC  

Jewish power By JJ Goldberg

explan in like one sentence

2020-03-24 20:02:47 UTC  

Jews know jews. They expose themselves to each other and when you find one who despises what they are, they shine the light on many truths. Like Brother Nathaniel.

2020-03-24 20:04:03 UTC  

Truth be told, jews wouldn't be that big of an issue if we could just talk about how they collectivise and exercise power.

white man weak now

2020-03-24 20:05:37 UTC  

hard times incoming

2020-03-24 20:06:13 UTC  
2020-03-24 20:06:44 UTC  

"The Israel Lobby" by John Mearsheimer is good too