Message from @Argent7771

Discord ID: 690589230451130400

2020-03-20 15:00:37 UTC  

no I mean it's a lot of strain on the muscle

2020-03-20 15:00:53 UTC  

from what I understand the goal shouldn't be to do 69 million pushups

2020-03-20 15:01:03 UTC  

but to consistently increase the difficulty

2020-03-20 15:01:25 UTC  

Depends on your fitness level. I’ve been doing this stuff for about 4 years.

2020-03-20 15:01:30 UTC  

so if you can do 3 sets of 10 pushups, you should look into doing 3 sets of more difficult pushups

2020-03-20 15:01:37 UTC  

(incline, triangle, etc)

2020-03-20 15:01:53 UTC  


2020-03-20 15:01:59 UTC  

progressive overload etc

2020-03-20 15:02:22 UTC  

400M sprint intervals are the hardest part of my COVID-19 daily workout routine.

2020-03-20 15:42:44 UTC  

I don't have equipment for pull ups

2020-03-20 15:44:36 UTC  

I also don't have a ton of muscle mass tbh

2020-03-20 15:48:00 UTC  

I don’t have giant muscles either but you can still get stronger and acquire more muscle tone. Plus I only weight like 160 LBS.

2020-03-20 15:53:43 UTC  

"muscle tone" is just lowering your bodyfat %

2020-03-20 15:53:57 UTC  

so that what little muscle you do have shows better

2020-03-20 15:54:05 UTC  

The assumption that everyone has a pull up bar kind of irritates me when I am looking up workouts

2020-03-20 15:54:12 UTC  

usually done by lowering your caloric intake and doing more cardio

2020-03-20 15:54:22 UTC  

you still always need resistance training though

2020-03-20 15:54:26 UTC  

or else your muscles atrophy

2020-03-20 15:54:31 UTC  


2020-03-20 15:54:46 UTC  

bruh just get a pullup bar lmao it's like ten bucks

2020-03-20 15:55:03 UTC  

No idea where I would use it tbh

2020-03-20 15:55:20 UTC  

just hang it on a door ledge

2020-03-20 15:55:35 UTC  

Doesn't that destroy the door?

2020-03-20 15:57:26 UTC  

20 bucks at walmart

2020-03-20 15:57:44 UTC  

no man it's P H Y S I C S

2020-03-20 15:59:59 UTC  

idk never used one of those

2020-03-20 16:00:12 UTC  

but sure

2020-03-20 16:01:03 UTC  

dumbbells are also a good investment

2020-03-20 16:01:13 UTC  

a bit more expensive though

2020-03-20 16:02:02 UTC  

more than specific exercises though, the important thing is to do a good push/pull/leg split

2020-03-20 16:02:36 UTC  

your upper body muscles serve two main functions

2020-03-20 16:02:59 UTC  

your chest, triceps, and the fron of your shoulders are involved in pushing motions

2020-03-20 16:03:35 UTC  

so pushups and presses are great for those muscles

2020-03-20 16:04:08 UTC  

your back, biceps, and the back of your shoulders are involved in pulling motions

2020-03-20 16:04:56 UTC  

so pull-ups, chin-ups, and pulldowns are all important for exercising the back, and are often neglected because they're a bit less intuitive to exercise with just your bodyweight

2020-03-20 16:05:28 UTC  

and then you can just run, do squats, and calf-raises for your legs

2020-03-20 16:05:49 UTC  

your core (abs) is involved in stabilizing all of the above

2020-03-20 16:06:11 UTC  

and you should be making sure to tighten it (and your ass lmao) as you do all the things above

2020-03-20 16:06:37 UTC  

but a few sets of crunches at the end of every workout are still useful