Message from @Skellington

Discord ID: 677751452663545856

it wrong because mixing leads to destruction of the white race

2020-02-14 05:40:01 UTC  

ok... thats not a moral absolute

all inferior races want to live near and reproduce with white people, which means they will always try to get into the white nation

2020-02-14 05:40:22 UTC  

Thats still not a moral absolute

which means if you let some in, it will expand until there are no whites left

2020-02-14 05:40:36 UTC  

no thats actually not true tho

2020-02-14 05:40:41 UTC  

then I guess your doomed

2020-02-14 05:40:54 UTC  

because your never going to get all of the "inferior" peoples out

2020-02-14 05:40:59 UTC  

They’re not inferior, they just don’t belong

2020-02-14 05:41:01 UTC  

so might as well just give up

2020-02-14 05:41:26 UTC  

(Half this server is Hispanics)

2020-02-14 05:41:33 UTC  


2020-02-14 05:41:43 UTC  

people of other races might find whites generally more attractive but thats not really saying anything because in the end theyll most likely end up with someone of their own demographic

2020-02-14 05:41:54 UTC  


2020-02-14 05:42:09 UTC  

Castizo gang

2020-02-14 05:42:13 UTC  

Its also the exotic effect. The outgroup is considered more attractive on paper because they are exotic

2020-02-14 05:42:16 UTC

2020-02-14 05:42:18 UTC

2020-02-14 05:42:19 UTC  


2020-02-14 05:42:19 UTC

2020-02-14 05:42:21 UTC

2020-02-14 05:42:23 UTC

2020-02-14 05:42:24 UTC  

White male attraction to asians are this effect

2020-02-14 05:42:26 UTC  

>not being pure Spaniard

2020-02-14 05:42:27 UTC

2020-02-14 05:42:29 UTC  

Smh my head

2020-02-14 05:42:39 UTC

2020-02-14 05:42:47 UTC  

Cuban is close enough

2020-02-14 05:42:53 UTC  

@MicMac these could help arguing about shit with libertarians

2020-02-14 05:43:00 UTC  

Cubans are even catizos

2020-02-14 05:43:05 UTC  

They gencided the natives

2020-02-14 05:43:10 UTC  


2020-02-14 05:43:20 UTC  

Cubans are either white or mulatto

whenever i hear someone arguing for mixing it makes me think they are not white

2020-02-14 05:43:32 UTC  

also gramps was a pure iberian

2020-02-14 05:43:42 UTC  

Most Cuban Americans are like 70 to 90% white, 30 to 10% black

2020-02-14 05:44:00 UTC  

Kaufman as a libertardian, how do you square the idea of little to no government with laws agains race mixing?