Message from @Iron Nation

Discord ID: 683037660285108236

2020-02-28 19:29:10 UTC  


2020-02-28 19:29:29 UTC  

Don't forget Canada.

2020-02-28 19:30:43 UTC  

Following richard spencer on twitter is grueling

2020-02-28 19:31:26 UTC  

He has some of the most consistently worst takes I've seen from a political dissident

2020-02-28 19:31:57 UTC  

What has Spoiled Mcgee have to say now?.

2020-02-28 19:33:21 UTC  

can we have a corona virus channel and a right cast 2A update/happening channel @Charlemagne

2020-02-28 19:33:50 UTC  

maybe delete <#668911109562040371>

2020-02-28 19:35:14 UTC  

I lost $4k in the stock market crash

2020-02-28 19:35:16 UTC  


2020-02-28 19:36:35 UTC  

@Iron Nation Don't you know that Macron is the most intelligent politican in the West? He actually has a vision for Europe. Richard Spencer said so on Twitter.

2020-02-28 19:36:57 UTC  


2020-02-28 19:37:17 UTC  

Yeah a vision of Africans in Europe

2020-02-28 19:38:27 UTC  

@EYEFORKNOWLEDGE156 But it's a vision though!

2020-02-28 19:40:50 UTC  

I think RS unironically wants to be Macron

2020-02-28 19:41:24 UTC  

"sure I have lots of ethnic groups in my white state but its ok because I am economically superior to them and when I do photo ops with them its just PR"

2020-02-28 19:41:55 UTC  

"rampant rape and crime are just a part of the cost of doing business to be a white supremacist european state with indentured black servants"

2020-02-28 19:43:09 UTC  

imagine caring about what RS says

2020-02-28 19:45:00 UTC  

What? Lol

2020-02-28 19:45:38 UTC  

I think its important to keep an eye on him because he still has some traction in dissident circles and institutional power

2020-02-28 19:47:09 UTC  

He should have leaned into the space imperium shit normies of the IFLscience age eat that shit up

2020-02-28 19:47:48 UTC  

Unfortunately his ego won't permit that because he takes himself too seriously and would rather be perceived as a serious academic / think tank member

2020-02-28 19:48:32 UTC  

He followed me on Twitter after my stream with Keith Woods.

2020-02-28 19:48:44 UTC  

Should I DM him?

2020-02-28 19:49:08 UTC  

coopt his followers?

2020-02-28 19:49:14 UTC  

DM him a hot take about how a universal gun ban is actually the most pro white position :^)

2020-02-28 19:49:18 UTC  

I could ask about Macrons vision for Europe.

2020-02-28 19:49:55 UTC  

I think basically everyone on the dissident right except him and his cult realized who macron is

2020-02-28 19:50:28 UTC  

@Kermit He unironically said that.

2020-02-28 19:51:10 UTC  

RS likes Macron but I don't think it has much to do with relevant policies and more to do with the aesthetics of power - Macron represents French elitists and RS himself is an elitist so he's likely drawn to/sympathizing with that

2020-02-28 19:51:18 UTC  

The same reason he likes Bloomberg

2020-02-28 19:51:48 UTC  

I doubt RS even cares about anything except his own ego and influence tbh

2020-02-28 19:51:53 UTC  

I agree that Macron is an intelligent guy. He's using his intelligence to advance a hostile agenda. He DOES have a vision. To turn France and the rest of Europe into Africa.

2020-02-28 19:52:36 UTC  

@Endeavour if you look in politics chat clossington actually got to meet charlie kirk and he told him that he doesn't care about censorship

2020-02-28 19:53:42 UTC  

I'm not as well versed on the french as I should be because I low key hate them but I think there's some ground lost by people motivated by white politics when they discuss France. The French certainly have a long lush white history but they also have a fairly extensive history of being blacked, so I guess that's part of the french identity or something.

2020-02-28 19:53:55 UTC  

Having black colonies, relying on black cannon fodder in wars, etc

2020-02-28 19:54:42 UTC  

What I'm saying is that you can probably be a french nationalist with african sympathies in a way that puts you at odds with a "white nationalist" who normally has a specific view of france

2020-02-28 19:54:43 UTC  

@Skellington lmao delete philosophy for happening?

2020-02-28 19:54:50 UTC  
2020-02-28 19:54:58 UTC  

lol Spencer followed you too?

2020-02-28 19:55:06 UTC  

Richard Spencer followed Academic Agent as well

2020-02-28 19:55:19 UTC  

@Charlemagne philosophy is gay