Message from @Iron Nation

Discord ID: 683032971686445070

2020-02-28 18:30:57 UTC  

Hearing on March 3

2020-02-28 18:31:44 UTC  

@21ooAB cool hopefully it will turn into something

2020-02-28 18:32:09 UTC  
2020-02-28 18:32:22 UTC  

Every violation can grant the user at least $75,000

2020-02-28 18:32:48 UTC  

Google has a data center in Tennessee

2020-02-28 18:32:50 UTC  

Now I want to be censored lol

2020-02-28 18:38:10 UTC  

I think what can be done to convince them that censorship hits them and that they need to do something about then through the freedoms that are gained we can gain more support

2020-02-28 18:38:36 UTC  

Remember most of the GOP are mostly useful idiots for the cathedral

2020-02-28 18:43:58 UTC  

At first I thought that was a “Stop Social Media” act

Like they would legitimately be banning things like Facebook, Twitter, etc

2020-02-28 18:46:01 UTC  

honestly my opinion about bloomberg

2020-02-28 18:46:15 UTC  

like if the establishment is a person, it wold be him

2020-02-28 18:46:24 UTC  

but at least he does't try to hide it

2020-02-28 18:46:29 UTC  


2020-02-28 18:46:36 UTC  

wwhich is good

2020-02-28 18:48:24 UTC  

Boomer, Jewish, billionaire, New York can’t get much more establishment than that

2020-02-28 19:23:01 UTC  

I hate watching people on either side of the two-party divide make dumb claims about the opposing side that are actually claims to a more specific subgroup on the other side

2020-02-28 19:25:59 UTC  

you are nazis
no u
no u
no u

2020-02-28 19:26:12 UTC  

american politics irl

2020-02-28 19:28:55 UTC  

german too

2020-02-28 19:29:10 UTC  


2020-02-28 19:29:29 UTC  

Don't forget Canada.

2020-02-28 19:30:43 UTC  

Following richard spencer on twitter is grueling

2020-02-28 19:31:26 UTC  

He has some of the most consistently worst takes I've seen from a political dissident

2020-02-28 19:31:57 UTC  

What has Spoiled Mcgee have to say now?.

2020-02-28 19:33:21 UTC  

can we have a corona virus channel and a right cast 2A update/happening channel @Charlemagne

2020-02-28 19:33:50 UTC  

maybe delete <#668911109562040371>

2020-02-28 19:35:14 UTC  

I lost $4k in the stock market crash

2020-02-28 19:35:16 UTC  


2020-02-28 19:36:35 UTC  

@Iron Nation Don't you know that Macron is the most intelligent politican in the West? He actually has a vision for Europe. Richard Spencer said so on Twitter.

2020-02-28 19:36:57 UTC  


2020-02-28 19:37:17 UTC  

Yeah a vision of Africans in Europe

2020-02-28 19:38:27 UTC  

@EYEFORKNOWLEDGE156 But it's a vision though!

2020-02-28 19:40:50 UTC  

I think RS unironically wants to be Macron

2020-02-28 19:41:24 UTC  

"sure I have lots of ethnic groups in my white state but its ok because I am economically superior to them and when I do photo ops with them its just PR"

2020-02-28 19:41:55 UTC  

"rampant rape and crime are just a part of the cost of doing business to be a white supremacist european state with indentured black servants"

2020-02-28 19:43:09 UTC  

imagine caring about what RS says

2020-02-28 19:45:00 UTC  

What? Lol

2020-02-28 19:45:38 UTC  

I think its important to keep an eye on him because he still has some traction in dissident circles and institutional power

2020-02-28 19:47:09 UTC  

He should have leaned into the space imperium shit normies of the IFLscience age eat that shit up

2020-02-28 19:47:48 UTC  

Unfortunately his ego won't permit that because he takes himself too seriously and would rather be perceived as a serious academic / think tank member