Message from @Skellington

Discord ID: 692447546492059689

2020-03-25 17:34:15 UTC  

europe is utterly and completely fucked

2020-03-25 17:34:20 UTC  

even if they bring in immigrants

2020-03-25 17:34:26 UTC  

(especially if they bring in immigrants lmao)

2020-03-25 17:35:24 UTC  

We need more people like Margaret Thatcher, only in every country in Europe

2020-03-25 17:35:36 UTC  

not really lol

2020-03-25 17:35:57 UTC  

what you need is to grow some balls, kick out the invaders, and start having some fucking children

2020-03-25 17:36:19 UTC  

at least three per family

2020-03-25 17:36:19 UTC  

i prefer momentary anarchy when the state collapses over young europeans not being able to pay pensions for old folks to bringing in others to have babies

2020-03-25 17:36:51 UTC  

we should go the japan route

2020-03-25 17:37:30 UTC  

except theyre now trying to go the europe route despite or because seeing where it leads

2020-03-25 17:37:32 UTC  

yes just automate the fuck out of everything and bear out the remaining economic fallout

2020-03-25 17:37:38 UTC  

it really won't be as bad as people think

2020-03-25 17:37:41 UTC  

but as they acted so far was ok

2020-03-25 18:00:45 UTC  


2020-03-25 18:02:06 UTC  


2020-03-25 18:18:22 UTC  

Bonjour gentelmen
we are crashing this economy with no survivors

2020-03-25 18:18:36 UTC  


2020-03-25 18:18:38 UTC  

2020-03-25 18:18:53 UTC  

No brakes on the C-train.

2020-03-25 18:36:18 UTC  


2020-03-25 21:53:12 UTC  

@here V.C., anyone?

2020-03-25 21:53:42 UTC  

im in

2020-03-25 21:54:10 UTC  

ping again and there will be shit on on your pillow

2020-03-25 22:07:21 UTC  

That would be rather unfortunate

2020-03-25 22:09:42 UTC  

What do you all think of the Centre-Right and Libertarians?

2020-03-25 22:13:48 UTC  

Yeah. I know a few Libertarians, but if you discuss their views on a crisis, then their ideology shrivels up.

2020-03-25 22:16:57 UTC  

Libertarians are gay.

2020-03-25 22:17:06 UTC  

Center Right even worse

2020-03-25 22:17:57 UTC  

He's not

2020-03-25 22:18:21 UTC  

You know whats based? Theocratic Space Imperialist Mercantilist oligarchy

2020-03-25 22:18:30 UTC  

No country on earth is based

2020-03-25 22:18:50 UTC  

For Libertarians i guess i understand where they come from, but they get in the way of the progress we need. Im a generally Culturally and Social Conservative guy who is also economically left wing so im almost totally agasint almost every single Libertarian ideal lol

2020-03-25 22:21:02 UTC  

Doesnt mean im a ideologue. Maybe once we get immigration under control and have a society where the family unit, the community and the general civil society and morality are strong then maybe we can be more loose. Plus i share some Libertrain belifs like Anti War, Pro Gun, Pro Privacy, things like that.

2020-03-25 22:26:02 UTC  

The Belters (beltway libertarians - Cato, Reason, etc.) are the real problem.

2020-03-25 22:26:44 UTC  

Remove Belters and you have the beginnings of a decent movement.

2020-03-25 22:33:42 UTC  

Libertarians on crisis (i.e. Coronavirus). The governor tells me to stay home, they advise you so as well. Yet they hate when the government tells them what to do. I know that's the degenerate Libertarians, but it's funny to discuss domestic policies with them.

2020-03-25 22:37:23 UTC  

To be fair, a lot of the current policies the government(s) is doing probably isn't necessary for protecting the public. There's a lot of power grabbing going on.

2020-03-25 23:04:25 UTC  

I’m unironically a bit of a fascist so I’m as far from Lolbert as you can get

2020-03-25 23:05:18 UTC  

Salvy stop being a cuck and come back to argents server

2020-03-26 00:57:09 UTC  

>imagine thinking that Catholicism isn’t at least somewhat evil