Message from @Fighting Gold

Discord ID: 695267334708789278

2020-04-01 22:04:55 UTC  

the thing that makes the Anschluss an Anschluss rather than just any old annexation is that it was part of a national unification project and could plausibly be claimed to be desired by the people in each country

2020-04-01 22:05:47 UTC  

agreed that it is inaccurate to call just any old annexation an Anschluss

2020-04-01 22:21:51 UTC  

Technically Anschluss just means attachment

2020-04-01 22:22:41 UTC  

Of course it's weird to use a German word though

2020-04-01 22:42:26 UTC  

anschluss is kind of a joke from PolandBall

2020-04-01 23:18:14 UTC  

is polandball like calvinball where Poland just makes up the rules on the fly?

2020-04-02 00:51:19 UTC  

Movie night in ETA 30 minutes

2020-04-02 01:16:15 UTC  

ok just a min

2020-04-02 01:24:33 UTC  

The Devil's Rejects

2020-04-02 03:02:52 UTC  

Gotta head out early guys sorry. If we do movie night tomorrow i might be available

2020-04-02 03:32:51 UTC  

Watching Deliverance

2020-04-02 07:20:05 UTC How will the "FUCK YOUR OPTICS" crowd ever recover?

2020-04-02 07:27:13 UTC  

Is this an Aprils fools joke?

2020-04-02 07:37:23 UTC  

I don't think so.

2020-04-02 08:22:27 UTC  

Ugh heimbach.

2020-04-02 11:58:04 UTC  

Taiwan numba 1

2020-04-02 12:08:36 UTC  


2020-04-02 12:08:37 UTC  


2020-04-02 13:44:10 UTC  


2020-04-02 13:45:41 UTC  

Modern Warfare

2020-04-02 13:48:49 UTC  

lmao imagine being a neocon

2020-04-02 13:48:52 UTC  


2020-04-02 13:49:23 UTC  

based orban

2020-04-02 14:05:16 UTC  

inb4 they call it socialism

2020-04-02 15:18:10 UTC  

I am the senate

2020-04-02 15:23:45 UTC  


2020-04-02 15:24:34 UTC  

we just had a vc

2020-04-02 15:29:22 UTC  

I'd love to but I've got these heckin' zoom meetings

2020-04-02 16:20:45 UTC  

Gordon Ramsay saving priests from poisonings

2020-04-02 16:27:29 UTC  

I love Gordon Ramsay

2020-04-02 16:27:48 UTC  

Just made a server for my calculus class since we moved our services online. And am afraid of accidently sending a based image or text meant for a different server

2020-04-02 16:27:49 UTC  

not the least because his long TV shows are perfect for a quarantine

2020-04-02 16:31:58 UTC

2020-04-02 16:38:31 UTC  

Gordon is a massive Chad

2020-04-02 16:39:00 UTC  

He has been married for 24 years and has 5 children

2020-04-02 16:42:46 UTC  

Gordon Ramsay is what doing your best looks like