Message from @Canadian Man

Discord ID: 698694748780757064

2020-04-12 00:35:02 UTC  

Alright, Still my point stands. Stop feeding Hollywood by giving these meaningless movies critque, As it brings more attention towards the movie you think is dumb.

2020-04-12 00:35:45 UTC  

Or we can enjoy discussing modern culture with like minded people.

2020-04-12 00:36:11 UTC  

Modern culture is degenerating society

2020-04-12 00:36:22 UTC  


2020-04-12 00:37:07 UTC  

So why should we discuss it?

2020-04-12 00:37:20 UTC  


2020-04-12 00:37:30 UTC  

Modern couture is interesting as it can be critiqued, but most film is product, designed to be consumed but not to give anything back, except the occasional half decent message. It isn't worth precious time.

2020-04-12 00:38:09 UTC  

*Time Kanz*.

2020-04-12 00:38:23 UTC  

there are plenty of good movies being made still

2020-04-12 00:38:35 UTC  

the john wick movies come to mind

2020-04-12 00:38:35 UTC  

There are a few good movies from time to time, but most movies are gay

2020-04-12 00:38:58 UTC  

Because we do not exist in an entirety different society, apart and seperate, with our own media and our own little circles to discuss our own material at infinitum.

2020-04-12 00:39:22 UTC  

Good point

2020-04-12 00:40:06 UTC  

I'm not saying all modern film, and I'm not saying everything made before x time was some gift from the heavens, I'm just saying most modern film isn't worth time to discuss.

2020-04-12 00:40:31 UTC  

There's some modern movies worth seeing, most are not.

2020-04-12 00:40:40 UTC  

But, Within that point there is no meat. Yes we are withinn a sub group within society but our mind set in reality is "Reject Modernity".

2020-04-12 00:41:19 UTC  

Rejecting the Dopimine rush's is key to rejecting modernity.

2020-04-12 00:41:53 UTC  

By complety ignoring it? Consuming and critiquing is how we validate our claim that modern product is degenerate.

2020-04-12 00:42:30 UTC  

It's also how we find gems and further develop our perspectives.

2020-04-12 00:43:04 UTC  

"Ignoring it" no we should not, But in reality we should exempt ourselves from these movies. We would degernate to what Lefitists are.

2020-04-12 00:43:29 UTC  

If we constantly deconstruct what can we reconstruct?.

2020-04-12 00:44:08 UTC  

Degenerate? You fear we will find validity in these films? They will resonate with our precieved realities of the world and we will agree with the artist's vision?

2020-04-12 00:44:54 UTC  

What we can benefit form modernity is "contrast".

2020-04-12 00:45:13 UTC  

To know what is right by knowing what is wrong.

2020-04-12 00:46:03 UTC  

Or to see examples of what wrong looks like.

2020-04-12 00:47:24 UTC  

"You fear" utter strawman. Never have i said that fear has anything to do with this. We already understand what is right or wrong, Why mindlessly hive mind over a movie that "Ticks us wrong"?. Our job is to help the world and further our goals within this paradim of reality. So again mindlessly deconstructing will get our movement and ourselve's no were.

2020-04-12 00:47:57 UTC  

Within that Logic "We should deconstruct like the left".

2020-04-12 00:48:14 UTC  

Which is a mere pesimistic view upon and within life.

2020-04-12 00:49:23 UTC  

We should focus on movie's and uplift movie's that support us, Not worrying about movie's the unwashed masses watch to comparrison.

2020-04-12 00:53:01 UTC  

You are speaking in an absolutes, never consuming and always deconstructing. As I've said in previous posts today. None of what I said is done in a vacuum with complete exemption of the other.

Occasionaly consume product, see that is garbage, deconstruct find out why it is garbage.

Reconstruct, create product, find good product etc.

Why must the later exist in absence of the first?

2020-04-12 00:54:12 UTC  


2020-04-12 01:01:41 UTC  

Deconstruction from my angle?. Never, Why should we deconstruct utter garabge when you stated it was "Garbage". Honestly uplifting is the best choice for us. Not feeding the monster. Endlessly deconstructing movie's that are garbage is a waste of time and resources.

2020-04-12 01:04:39 UTC  

It was a pretty good movie.

2020-04-12 01:05:14 UTC  

Enjoyable in the end.

2020-04-12 01:08:00 UTC  

Alright then good for you.

2020-04-12 02:01:02 UTC  

You know what is a shitty movie that people in our circles should watch?

2020-04-12 02:04:39 UTC  

Wolf of wallstreet.

I find it absolutely deplorable, disgusting, but it also is illuminating. It illuminates the toxicity of our economic model, market speculation, ineptitude of the FBI, how our system of governance and culture exalts the worst of people. Not to mention how all the people the movie is based on belong to the long nose tribe.

2020-04-12 02:43:56 UTC  

Or maybe that’s the pozzed message the communist filmmakers wanted to impress upon your subconscious

2020-04-12 02:44:15 UTC  

Le rich white man bad

2020-04-12 02:45:34 UTC  

^This unironically
Not because they're rich, but because the lot of them either are neocons, progressives, or pretend to be either and use their influence to subvert Western culture.

2020-04-12 02:48:05 UTC  

Maybe, but that’s a result of the shitty boomer culture that socialized them into holding those positions